

THE remarkable recent achievements of the famous M.G. Midget in trials and races, as well as the enormous number of these models on the road, seems to have obscured to some extent the M.G. Six, which is quite as remarkable a car in its own class as its smaller brother. Thanks to University Motors Ltd., of Brick Street, Piccadilly, we recently had the opportunity of seeing for ourselves, not only how the M.G. Six performed on the road, but also, by taking out a much used car with many thousands of miles behind it, how this model stands up to hard driving. The model tested was the Mark I Speed model, this being the lowest priced range of sixes. The engine is a six cylinder of 69 mm. x 110mm. bore n nd sti oke , giving a capacity of 2,468 c.c. A fully balanced 4bear ing crankshaft is fitted, while the inclined overhead valves are operated by an overhead camshaft. Mixture is

supplied by two S.U. carburettors. A three speed gear box is fitted in contrast to the 4-speed box on the Mark II chassis, but the remarkable flexibility of the engine and a good choice of gear ratios makes it possible to use the gear box to the best advantage. The most noticeable characteristic of the car’s per


formance is silence and smoothness. There is no trace of period or drumming at any engine speed, and the behaviour of the car is entirely free from effort or fuss. It is not, of course, a racing car, nor is it intended in any way as such, but rather for fast travel over long distances. It is an extremely comfortable car to drive for long distances, and we could not help wishing during the test, that we could have the chance of taking this car on a continental tour, where its qualities of comfort and effortless speed on hills or level would show up to great advantage. The acceleration is good for the type of car, the time taken from 10-30 m.p.h. on second gear being 7 secs. When compa ring this with other and more fierce 110-30 “figures it must be remembered that second gear is fairly high —6.58 to 1, and the maximum speed on this gear is nearly 50 m. p. h. 40 m. p. h. from 10

m.p.h. takes just over 10 secs.

At 60 m.p.h. the car gives the impression of being able to run all day without tiring and only a small throttle opening is required for this speed. The speedometer on this particular car was slightly fast, but the actual maximum on the level we found to be 74 m.p.h.

under none too favourable conditions, and there is no doubt that 80 m.p.h. could be more closely approached on occasion. It must also be noted that the whole test was carried out on a car which as well as being old in service, had received no attention as regards the engine for a considerable period.

It is this feature of being able to give consistent performance over a long period without adjustment or overhaul that is of particular importance to the owner of such a car, who will put in a very big mileage in the year, and has not much spare time to spend on working on the car. With such a quiet engine, great care is required to see that no minor noises occur to spoil the effect, and the silence of the body and chassis were remarkable.

The Manes steering was very light indeed, and made for really effortless control. It is, however, rather low geared and this requires a certain amount of getting used to when driving fast on twisty roads. We should also have preferred a slightly increased self-centring action. The steering is as a whole very much above the average, however, and the car is absolutely steady at speed on all kinds of surface, and gives a great feeling of confidence to the driver. This steadiness is achieved without harshness of springing, and the brakes are smooth and well up to their work. Owing to a slight temporary defect in the servo motor, the pressure required on the brakes was rather higher than normal, but even so was not too high, and when correctly adjusted a light pressure is ample for all needs. Many points show that much thought has been put

into the lay-out of this car. The hand brake for instance, is of the racing type on which the ratchet is only brought into action when required for parking the car, and acts on all wheels. A reserve oil tank, holding a gallon, and connected direct to the sump, is another good point for long distance touring, while a separate 2-gallon petrol tank in the dash, feedin g by gravity, ensures reliability in the event of the supply from the 10-gallon rear tank either failing or running out.

The price of the model tested is £525, while a complete range of all M.G. cars to say nothing of other makes, can be inspected at the Showrooms of University Motors Ltd., who are the main London distributors for this make.