Frazer Nash

Frazer Nash

The Frazer Nash is preeminently a car for the enthusiast at a reasonable price—it has a road performance unequalled by any other sports car, irrespective of size. It has proved its worth* by its consistent success over These Representative Successes are Convincing Proof

BOULOGNE, Grand Prix des Voitures Legeres, 1925. Won by Captain Clive Gallop on a Frazer Nash, and record for the course.

BOULOGNE Meetings, 1925 and 1926. Team Prize, “the Pickett Cup,” won by the Frazer Nash entry both years.

BROOKLANDS, Double Twelve Hour Race, 1930. Two cars entered, two flnished-100% success. B.A.R.C. Meeting, BROOKLANDS, March, 1930. “Ladies’ Race” won at average speed of 90.04 m.p.h. Flying lap 95.05 m.p.h. (driver, Mrs. T. H. Wisdom).

B.A.R.C. Meeting, IiROOKLANDS, 1930. Short Handicap won at an average speed of 91.44 m.p.h. Fastest lap 99.21 m.p.h.

BROOKLANDS, Mountain Handicap, Easter Monday, 1930. FIRST.

BROOKLANDS, Mountain Handicap, VVhitsun Meeting, 1930. SECOND from SCRATCH, and fastest lap. BROOKLANDS, Mountain Handicap, Easter Monday, 1930. THIRD.

BROOKLANDS, Light Car Grand Prix Handicap. THIRD from SCRATCH.

SHELSLEY WALSH. Record for the hill 1,500 c.c. Sports and 1,500 c.c. Racing Classes. 1st (1,500 c.c. Racing) 1st and 2nd (1,500 c.c. Sports). “Ladies’ Cup” for fastest climb of the day, Open and Closed Meetings, 1930. 1st, 2nd and 3rd (Racing Class).

M.C.C. LONDON-EXETER Trial, 1930. Five Gold Medals. Special Prize Acceleration Test on Black Hill against 183 cars.

M.C.C. LONDON-LAND’S END Trial, 1930. Eight Gold Medals.

M.C.C. LONDON-LAND’S END Trial, 1931. Nine Gold Medals.

M.C.C. One-Day SPORTING TRIAL, 1930. Only car to climb successfully all the hills, and only car to gain a PREMIER AWARD out of 72 entries. Prices from ,E325

The ” ULSTER ” Frazer Nash A.F.N. Ltd. (Managing D;rector : H. J. ALDINGTON’, “Falcon Works,” London Road, Isleworth, MIddlesex. Telephone: HOUNSLOW 3171 -3172

many years in gruelling Continental road races, on the track in 24 hour long distance races, sprint events and on the ” Mountain ” course, while in famous hill climb, open competitions or cross-country trials work it is outstanding in its superiority.