


1920 (October) Swallow 2-seater, as new, mileage U guaranteed under 900 and condition perfect, an exceptional bargain, fitted with ballchange gear control, price 6130. Macks, Porchester Square Mews, W.2. Park 9300.


Alfa-Romeo sports 4-seater in ex1927 2 2-eep9tional condition, very carefully used, upholstered in leather, dipping head lamps, very complete all weather equipment as new, screen wiper, Bosch horn, etc. Reliable high speed car capable of over 85 m.p.h., guaranteed in writing, price 195 guineas. Blacks, Porehester Square Mews, W.2. Park 9300.


QPECIAL racing AI,FA-ROMEO 2-seater, capable to of speed of approximately 115 m.p.h., fitted with dynamo lighting, quickly detachable wings and running boards, only done a few miles since overhauled. New tyres all round, just re-cellidosed cream and blue. Price 350 guineas. Modern Cars, Ltd, 196 198 Gt. Portland St. Museum 2947-8. 111 £69 g—Mr. Philip Turners offers his 11-litre

supercharged 2-seater sports Alfa Romeo, In almost brand new condition, delivered new late 1929, a special competition road car, cost with extras over £1,200; easiest deferred terms.—Thorns, 19-21, Great Portland Street, W.I., Laugham13966.


RTES, LTD., BENTLEY distributors.

1 999 41-litre BENTLEY Mulliner Weyraann sports tourer, black, brown upholstery, spot-light and other extras, exceptionally fast, recently delivered, /850.

1924 3-litre 134.NTLEY Sports tourer, black, GUARANTEE is transferable on all the above.

I? OOTES, LTD., Devonshire House, Piccadilly, V W.I. Tel., Grosvenor 3401.


SPORTY 4-seater ! I ! 14.40 h.p. late model DELAGE, every conceivable accessory, f.w.b.s, guaranteed stored one year, very fast, faultless throughout, 12 months’ written guarantee; terms, exchanges, £115. Berkeley Garages, Berkeley Mews, Connaught St., Edgware Rd.

1 09,7 23 h.p. DELAGE, fitted open touring ef A-01 body, with new tyres, perfect condition, 85 m.p.h., 4225. Schneider Automobiles, 138 Long Acre. £395 Very late model D.M.S. sports DELAGE,

21 h.p., 6-cylinder, fitted with a most attractive 4-seater low-built 4-door Weyinann saloon, capable of 5 to 85 miles on top, new condition, cost new £950. Thorns, 19-21 Gt. Portland St., W.I. Laugh= 3966.


VRAZER NA.Slt cars. Falcon Works, London Rd., Isleworth (Hounslow 3172) always have for disposal reconditioned and guaranteed cars, fitted with new tyres and F.W.B. prices from £125.


ROOKLANDS MOTOR COMPANY offers 1928 5-.1 Speed Model Lagonda 4-door Fabric Saloon, very nice condition throughout, £285, exchanges, deferred. 331 and 410 and 414, Euston Rd., N.W .1. Museum 3143-4.


12-40H ed .PLea Francis sports 4-seater deliver

January 1928, one owner, special body finished in two tone green, upholstery to match. All weather equipment, perfect mechanical condition, a distinctive and most attractive car, £125. S. E. Longman & Co., 15, Woodstock Street, Oxford Street, London. ‘Phone Mayfair 2631. Open 6 p.m. Saturday.

QUPERCH.ARGE,D 1929 LEA-FRANCIS, 4L) seater, in spotless condition, new tyres, small mileage, price 240 guineas. Modern cars, Ltd., 196, Gt. Portland St. Museum 2947.


SUNEF,AM straight 8.3 Litre fitted with new Dunlop tyres and wheels, approximately £200 just spent on the engine. Car ready for this season’s racing, low handicap, certain to win many races. £300 or near offer. Modern Cars, Ltd., 196-198 Gt. Portland Street, W. 1. Museum 2947.


30/9811.PWithiihei.nt;:isarieanadysaz, Lotediathate firma

good selection of 2 and 4-seaters from i60.-1, Brixton Road (one minute Oval Tube). Reliance 3381-2.

1%/1 ODE,’RN CARS, LTD., the largest stock of 30/98 Vauvlialls in Great Britain. 196-198, Great Portland Street, WA. Museum 2947. TUITION A UTOMOBILE ENGINEERING TRAINING

COLLEGE, London, S.W 3 (Day and Residential). Founded specially to train Boys of good education for the Automobile Industry. The curriculum combines an essentially practical modern works’ experience with training in administration. Appointments for Qualified Students. Candidates will be accepted for Probationary Term eonmseacing April 24th. Syllabus from Pitiquiry Dept.


COMPASSES (German) of the Highest Quality, from 110/10/0. E. F. Stephen, 141, New Bond Street, W.1.


VATIONAL Flying Services Ltd. ‘Phone Gerrard -LI 9316. Go by N.F.S., Is. a mile ; Is. 6d. two passengers. Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2.

AIRCRAFT FOR SALE. ATIONAL Flying Services Ltd. ‘Phone Gerrard -LI 9316. Quick deliveries. New or second-hand machines. Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2

PRACTICAL FLYING. ATIONAL Flying Services Ltd. ‘Phone Gerrard -LI 9316. Join N.F.S. Learn to fly. Fly when

you wish. Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2. PARTS & ACCESSORIES CLARE’S MOTOR WORKS for Spares.-Over 300 cars dismantled, including Austin 7 h.p. and 12 h.p., Alvis, Angus-Sanderson, A.B .C., Anzani, Armstrong 18 h.p., Ariel 9 h.p., A.C. 12 h.p. and 16 h.p., Belsize-Bradshaw, Bugatti, Bean, Buick 18 h.p., 26 h.p., and Master chassis, Coventry Premier, Cubitt, Citroen 10 h.p. and 7 h.p., Clyno 11 h.p., and13 h.p., Crossley 25 h.p., Crouch, Cowley, Calthorpe, Cluley, Delage, 14 h.p., Fiat 10 h.p. and 21 h.p. 6-cyl., Ford, Humber 8 h.p. and 10 h.p., Hillman, Hampton, Lagonda, Morris, Mercury, Peugeot 7 h.p., Phcenix, Rover 8 lip., 9 h.p. and

14 h.p., Rhode 1922, Riley 11 Renault 8.3 h.p., 13.9 h.p. Salmson, Standard 11.4 h.p. and 13.9 h.p., Swift 9 h.p., 10 h.p., and 12 h.p., SizaireBerwick, Singer 10 h.p., Talbot 8 h.p., 10-23 h.p., and 8-cyl. Talbot-Darracq, Wolseley 10 h.p., 11 h.p., and 15.9 h.p. Waverley, and many others ; quotation by return ; approval.-Clare’s Motor Works, 118, Tulse Hill, S.W.2. ‘Phone, Brixton 6507. Closed Sundays.


Q01.,E distributors for the famous See hydroplanes, N-1 speed dinghies and cruisers for London and Home Counties and the Continent. Immediate delivery. Bruce and Holroyd, Ltd. ‘Phone, 249 Feltharn, Middx.


ALL classes of machining, gear cutting, grinding, milling, tuning, etc. undertaken for all types of car, Motor Boat, and Aero engines. Accuracy and prompt attention to each individual order guaranteed. Bruce & Holrovd Ltd., Phone, 249 Feltham, Middlesex. NEW MOTOR CARAVANS and TRAILERS

TlIpt AVEN Caravans.-Lightness. Cheapness. Rt? Comfort. Value for Money. Made in all Sizes. AVEN Trailers -Standard models, from 8ft., 2-berth, at 270 ; to 13ft., 3-room, at 2175. -1)10 AVEN Outboard Boat Trailers, luggage trailers,

1to office trailers, horse box trailers.

AVEN CARAVANS, 2, Ravenscourt Sq., GoldIA’ hawk Rd., Hammersmith. Riverside 9263. CARAVANS FOR HIRE

C1ARAVANS, all sizes and types.-Raven Caravans, 2 Ravenscourt Sq., Goldhawk Road, Hammersmith. Riverside 0353.



No Connection with any other Firm.

Q LEWIS’S.-The Old Firm of Flying-Racing and wet Motor Clothing Fame, 19 and 27, Carburton Street, London, W.1. We wish our Thousands of Customers to know we have no connection with any other Firm. Flying Helmets, best Quality, Fur trimmed, 14s. 6d., 12s. 6d. ; All Leather Lined Chamois, 10s. 6d., 12s. 6<1.; Flat Type Phones, 5s.: Metallic Tubing and Rubber Connection, 2s. 6c1.; Y Piece and Adapter combined, 38. 3d. ; White Flying Suits, 25s. 6<1.; Ditto, with Lightning Fasteners, 35s.; White Combination Suits, 145. 6d. ; White Flying Helmet, 6s. 6d. ; Featherweight type Goggles, fitted genuine Triplex Lenses, slightly tinted, new W.D., 7s. ; Ditto, fitted genuine clear Triplex Lenses, I Is. ; Aviation Mask Goggles, fitted genuine Tinted Triplex Lenses, 14s. 6<1.; Ditto, fitted Tinted Triplex, 12s. 6<1.; Meyrowitz Luxor Goggles, fitted Triplex unsplinterable lenses, 40s; R.A.F. Scarf, 5s. 6<1.; Pilot's Gauntlets, 12s. 6d. per pair ; Suede Golf Jacket, best quality, ideal for flying 508.; Silk Under Gloves, 2s. 9d. per pair, 2 pairs 5s. We are contractors to Foreign and Colonial Governments. S. I,ewis's, 19 and 27, Carburton Street, London, W.I.

No Connection with any other Firm.