The Weatherell "Itsit."


The Weatherell ” Itsit.”


AN outboard craft which has performed with conspicuous success during the last two seasons is the ” Itsit.” In 1929 this boat secured sixtynine first-class awards in various big races, and some of the more important events which she has won include the Duchess of York’s Trophy, the Yorkshire Championship, Championship of Scotland and the Belgian Championships.

The ” Itsit ” is designed by Mr. R. D. Weatherell, who was associated at one time with the motor-cycle trade. More recently he has turned his attention to outboard racing and the experience he has gained during an extensive period in the newer sport has resulted in his producing a craft of novel and clever design and of quite outstanding performance. In planning the ” Itsit,” the principal aim, since it was to be a racing craft, pure and simple, was speed, and the designer has attacked the problem of resistance with commendable thoroughness in order to attain this end. The result is a hull of rather unique contour, both above and below the water line. Frontal area has been cut down to a minimum and particular care has been taken to streamline the shell so as to offer the least resistance to the air. In fact, with the exception perhaps

of fitting a streamlined cowling to the power unit, one cannot see where any improvement could be made.

The material used in the construction of the hull is Honduras mahogany throughout. It has a double-skin bottom inter-lined with silk. It is built up on equallybalanced proportioned frames, and while it is light in weight it is sturdy enough to stand a lot of rough usage. The transom and aft decking on the latest type is totally enclosed, the pilot having to insert his feet under the decking in a proper proportioned floor space. When manoeuvring the craft, the pilot is in a semi-prone position, tucked down behind a neat fairy. Steering is by wheel and cable, the former being placed so as to give an easy and comfortable control.

The ” Itsit ” boat is not in regular production, it being made only to special order, and though it is of necessity somewhat expensive to build, the fine workmanship which is found in this craft, together with high performance of which it is capable, make it a particularly attractive proposition.

The constructors are Messrs. Salter Bros., of Oxford, who as boat-builders, neel no introduction, and Speedcraft, Ltd., of 44, Gerrard Street, W.I., are the sole distributors.