
We have received a copy of the Elto Outboard News from Messrs. Elto Motor Sales, Ltd., and have been asked to state that they will be pleased to send a copy of this paper free of charge on application to Elto Motor Sales, Ltd., 24 Harrison Street, W.C.1. Three models of Outboard Motors are being made by this firm this year, viz. :—

Quad 855 c.c.

Speedster 322 c.c.

Lightweight 167 c.c.

A Quad Elto engine, it will be remembered, in the hands of the Hon. Mrs. Victor Bruce, put up the outstanding double cross channel record of 52 miles in 1 hour, 47 minutes.


Artlions 11-nitted Mss. Novels. Ilios:raphit.,, Plays. Poems. Children’s Stories, vie., for hook publication. C’t,AvuE STACEY. 177’178, FLEET STUEET. E.(‘.4.

B AIEDAL CO.. Stimuli rhill Terrace.

Specialists : Club Modals. Badges. Pennant,…

Trophies (‘tips. Shields, Advertising Novel tie,. Alasel etc. Trol)114’• CuPs• Shit’lds. Advertising Novelties:. Ma,cots. etc. i’least, write for list, and speeial designs.


We have been informed by Messrs Russian Oil Ltd., that they will shortly be putting Oil on the market in addition to their Motor

CORED CYLINDERS. Scores iii cylinder bores ean lit

(11 in by Barimar Metallurigical (Patented) Process, to existing pistons and returned in twit days tinder money guarantee, alt lc,w cost.-11.41ZDIAlt, LTD. (Scientific WeldEngineers). 14-18. LAMB’s CONDUIT STI:EET. LoNDON.W.C.1. ;inches in Birmingham. Manchester. Leeds, Newcastle-niland COttsgim.