

When Mr. W. E. Bullock had a birthday recently, it happened to coincide with the completion of his twentieth year with the Singer Co., of which he is Managing Director.

The news got round amongst his dealers and they decided to mark the occasion with a little extra business. Thus, on the morning of his birthday Mr. Bullock’s post at the office contained 152 special orders outside the usual routine, and cheques to the Nalue of £20,000.

One dealer sent twenty orders with a promise of twenty-one next year; another hoped Mr. Bullock would complete a further twenty years with the company; while a third, more humane than the rest, hoped that he would not be in harness for another twenty years.

The Singer Co., who are believed to be the first British concern to standardise chromium plating. reminds owners of this fact by pasting a notice on the windscreen. This states that metal polish should not be used on the bright fittings of the car, which only require cleaning with a damp chamois leather and polishing with a soft dry cloth.

It has been rumoured that metal polishes are actually detrimental to chromium plating, but experts deny this. There is no acid in any known polish which can do the slightest harm, and the chromium is far too hard to be effected by fine abrasive or any other ingredient. But the use of polish is sheer waste of time—time which would be far better employed on some other job, such as, for instance, the occasional test of tyre pressures.