

Driving the Sunbeam two-litre six-cylinder supercharged car, the Cub on Brooklands Track on Tuesday, April 16th, Mr. Kaye Don, the well known British racing motorist, scored two particularly notable successes.

By covering 200 kilometres in 1 hour, 4 minutes 40.20 seconds he maintained an average speed over this distance of 115.29 miles an hour, and thus broke all existing records for this distance, irrespective of the type of car.

Continuing without a stop over the 200 miles distance Kaye Don again broke the world’s record, with a higher average speed than that for the shorter distance. He covered 200 miles in 1 hour, 43 minutes, 28-63 seconds, showing an average speed of 115.96 miles an hour. Thus the two-litre super-charged Sunbeam car improved substantially upon the world’s record for 200

kilometres and 200 miles, formerly held by a 4.1. litre standard Bentley car, established by Mr. C. D. Froy on Brooklands Track in October last. An interesting feature of these world’s records was that Mr. Froy was Mr. Kaye Don’s passenger in the Sunbeam.


The R.A.C. has received particulars of the following motoring events and will be pleased to forward copies of regulations on request to the Secretary, R.A.C., Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.

Baden and Rhenish A.C. International Open Tournament, 19th to 23rd June, 1929. “Ihe Tournament consists of speed events, a hill climb, a concours &Elegance, and Skilful Driving Ccmpetiticns.

Grand Prix of the Nations for Sporting Cars, to be held on the Nurburg Ring on 14th July, 1929. The race is over a distance of 509 kms., and is open to the same type and classes of cars as are eligible For the R.A.C. Tourist Trophy Race.