

The most important part of the personal equipment of a racing motorist is the goggles, and too much precaution cannot be taken in their selection. The most popular type at present used throughout the world is the ” Luxor” goggle, manufactured by E. B. Meyrowitz Ltd., of London, New York and Paris. The goggle was designed after very careful research, and conforms to every requirement of the racing motorist and airman. Incidentally, this goggle has the unique record of having been worn by every champion of both land and air for the past five years. The latest record made with the assistance of the Meyrowitz ” Luxor” goggle is that of M. Keech, who has recently broken the record held by Capt. Malcolm Campbell. Other well-known racing motorists who wear the ” Luxor ” goggle are Major Segrave, Mr. George Duller and others too numerous to mention. The two most popular models of the ” Luxor ” goggle are the No. 4, made with Triplex glass, and the No. 6, which has curved lenses of ordinary glass. These, and a full range of the other models can be seen at either of Messrs. Meyrowitz’s London branches situated at IA, Old Bond Street, and 199, Regent Street, W.I.

R.A.C. Tourist Trophy Race.

The following additional entries have now been received by the R.A.C. for the Tourist Trophy Race to be held in Ulster on Saturday, August 18th :-Two Frazer Nash, one Amilcar, one Mercedes, one Riley and one Vauxhall. With the forty-five already received this makes a total of fifty-one entries. Further entries at the 20 guinea fee can be received up to June 30th.

Arrangements in connection with the race are well in hand. The R.A.C. is undertaking a preliminary inspection of the cars already entered to ensure that they comply with the regulations. In addition to the prizes already announced, it has been decided to award prizes to the winners of the various classes in the race, and also to give a prize to the team of three cars of the same manufacture making the best performance, irrespective of class.

Plans are now being prepared for the construction of a grand stand opposite the start, to seat approximately 5,000 people. This will face the scoring board, and will be equipped with loud speakers from which all news connected with the race and its progress will be announced. Seats will be bookable in advance, but no applications for bookings can yet be considered.