

Racing was not very thrilling, apart from the passing of the three figure mark by 500 c.c. machines on several occasions. W. A. Colgan (498 Zenith-Blackburne) covered a lap at 102.27 m.p.h., joining the select few who have lapped at over roo m.p.h.

Lacey showed a fine turn of speed in the second race, doing his stuff at the rate of 95.23 for the standing lap, and 107.34 m.p.h., 105.29 m.p.h. for the two succeeding laps. The 107.34 m.p.h. looks like a 500 c.c. lap record.

The three lap 600 c.c. passenger race was interesting. Le Vack had a weird chair which was battened down ; he rode a fine race and finished some two lengths ahead of a very rapid Denly (566 Norton), while Tucker on a sister machine made a good third.

Rain next arrived to damp the ardour of some, and the next race had thirteen non-starters. A half hour’s wait saw the 1,000 c.c. and 350 c.c. handicap run off on a wet and treacherous track, and seventeen entrants thought better of it. This race provided excitement in that W. A. Colgan and his 498 Zenith came apart on the Byfleet at some roo mp.h., the machine disappearing over the lip and leaving the rider behind unhurt. marshalls rushed about with red flags, but no one seemed to mind, and the race went on. After this race, more rain, and after a dreary wait the rest of the meeting was abandoned. The results were as follows :—