


On Saturday, April 14th, the Outboard Section of the British Motor Boat Club held the opening race meeting of 1g28, when a large concourse of spectators attended, despite the bitterly cold wind, and watched an interesting afternoon’s sport.

There were one or two points wherein the organisation lies open to criticism, and attention to these matters would do much to increase popular interest in the meetings.

The starting arrangements seemed rather inadequate, especially in the first race. A large dial ticked off the seconds after the 5-minute gun had been fired, but the starting gun went off two minutes late, although the flag was lowered at the correct moment. Owing to this confusion one competitor, who had been timing his start by stop watch, left the post 19 seconds late, and sundry others, who were cruising about behind the line, made bad starts.

There was a board for the posting of nonstarters’ numbers, but this was not apparently in use, with the result that there was much confusion as to who was, and who was not, running in the race.

The Press stand was in a good position, which was appreciated by the public, who crowded this section, to the exclusion of several earnest press-men, who wandered about complaining of their inability to see anything.

The arrangements for tea were hopelessly inefficient, and many missed the last race owing to this. Added to which, the unfortunate wights who had been immersed during the racing were quite unable to get their clothes dried, and roamed about shivering in the bitter wind.

The racing itself was not thrilling, except for the finish of the first race, which was really close, although the turns at the buoy were sometimes very spectacular.

The first race was for Class B motors—up to 350 C.C.and was to be run in two heats, owing to the excellent entry of 26. Hosiever, 14 of these proved non-starters, and the race started in one final at 3.20 p.m.

C. D. Fair (” Nize Babey,” Watermota) made a bad start owing to a misunderstanding, but the others got away fairly well. It was at once obvious that, owing to the choppy water and strong wind, the speeds would be low, and flat bottomed craft found the going difficult. P. C. Parker (” Skimduck,” Lockwood) overturned early in lap one, while “Miss England “—Elto—retired on lap 2.

On the turn at the end of lap i W. T. Pry (” It “Lockwood) was leading by 200 yards from ” Wow “— Elto, with Fair (British Maid II.—Watermota) in third place—an excellent effort considering his very bad start.

At the end of lap 2 Fry was still leading, but Fair was now in second place ; ” Wow” followed third, and stood on her tail at the turn. The finish was very close, ” It ” winning by not more than three lengths from ” British Maid II,” with ” Wow” a poor third.


1. W. T. Fry’s ” It” (327 c.c. Lockwood), 23.5 m.p.h.

2. C. D. Fair’s “British Maid II” (347 c.c. Watermota), 23.26 m.p.h.

3. C. Harrison’s ” Wow” (322 c.c. Elto), 21.95 m.p.h.

Race Two was a Women Drivers’ Race, Class B, and out of seven entries four came to the post. All made fair starts except one, who stopped her engine at the post. ” Vow,” driven by Miss Shillan, took the lead and held it to the end ; a rather dull race.


1. Miss G. Shillan’s ” Wow” (322 c.c. Elto), 17.45 m.p.h.

2. Miss Z. Liversey’s “Spitfire ” (322 c.c. Elto), 15.96 m.p.h.

3. Miss Joan Fry’s ” It ‘ (327 c.c. Lockwood), 15.10 m.p.h.

At 4.20 p.m. we had a diversion in the form of a combat between an aeroplane and a motor-boat, the object of the former being to ” bomb ” the latter with flour-bags.

The Moth used was piloted by Capt. C. D. Barnard, and the boat was a Chris-Craft Cadet piloted by Mr. Arthur Bray. The motor-boat proved astonishingly fast and quick on the turn, skidding round in her own length when at full speed. The aeroplane was unable to cope with its elusive foe, and failed to get nearer than 20 yards. However, a bomb exploding 20 yards

from a motor boat would be sufficiently unpleasant. Altogether an interesting display.

After an alleged tea Class C raced in two heats. Five started’in the first heat and two entered in Heat 2 started in Heat x as well. Heat I was won at the good speed of 26.79 m.p.h. by “Miss Chief.” In Heat 2 ” Zion ” competed, although she should have appeared in Heat 1, showing that organisation has still to be improved. ” Baby Mo II “burst early in the race, and the winner proved to be “Cyclone,” at a speed of 28.04 m.p.h. (fastest time of the day).

The final was next run off, and proved the best race of the day. On lap i the order was “Miss Chief,” “Ace,” and “Cyclone,” while Miss Spicer, on “Flash I,” stopped her engine and was a lap behind. On lap 2 ” Miss Chief” and Ace” were close together with ” Cyclone” dropping back. On lap 3 ” Cyclone ” turned over on a corner and immersed the pilot. The finish was very close, “Miss Chief” winning by 1-3/5th secs. from ” Ace,” C. D. Fair doing well to secure third place with his 347 C.C. motor ” British Maid II.”


1. R. Gibbs’ “Miss Chief” (486 c.c. Evinrude), 27.11 m.p.h.

2. A. H. Browning’s ” Ace” (486 c.c. Evinrude), 27.03 m.p.h.

3. C. D. Fair’s ” British Maid II” (347 c.c. Watermota), 24.32 m.p.h.