



Incorporated by Motor Sport, the Ioo per cent. Sporting Journal, the Organ of Motoring Sport in the British Isles.

The Spirit of the Road is no longer to be a thing of the past. You will be a member of a Fraternity of Good Fellows, the finest company in the world, the Motoring Sportsmen.

Membership of the League of Motor Sportsmen is open to all who take an active and enthusiastic interest in Motor Sport in all its branches.

The League Badge—obtainable on enrolment, price 3/6—initiates the wearer into the new Brotherhood of the Road.

The Annual Subscription to Motor spoilt of 8/brings a copy of the only Journal devoted to-the greatest of all sports to your address every month.

Members of the League have at their service the expert advice of .1/ot)r Sprt staff, who are in closest touch with all matters motoring.

Whenever possible, parties will be organised under the direction of the staff (themselves all enthusiasts) to visit the more famous sporting meetings throughout the year.

Wherever you go, on the road, in trials, or at racemeetings, you will find brother members of the Sportsmen’s League.

Members will recognise each other on the road, and render each other that willing aid and chivalrous help which used to be inseparable from motoring in the old days.


With the support of sporting ntotorists throughout the country the League will strive :—

To promote the cause of Road Racing in this country. To foster Motoring Sport in all its aspects.

To combat unjust Police persecution.

To educate Public Opinion, which is so definitely antimotorist.

To restore the Chivalry and Fellowship of the Road, which, with the increase of purely utility motoring, is fast dying out.

To establish a bond between all owners of sports vehicles, cars or motor cycles.

To show, by example, that the owner of a sports machine is the finest and most competent driver on the road, and by adopting the slogan of “Speed with Safety,” show to all other road users that the members of the League of Motor Sportsmen are drivers whose consideration for all road-users is equalled only by their expert driving.


Membership of the League is open to all subscribers to Motor Sport, whether drivers of cars or motor cycles, or simply enthusiastic followers of the sport.

Fill in the form at the foot of this page, or write giving the required details.

Only those who, in the opinion of the Editor, are bona fide motoring sportsmen, are eligible for membership of the League. State what vehicle you own— car or motor cycle—or what interest you take in the pastime.

If you already are a subscriber to Motor Spo/ t remit only 3/6 for the League Badge. If not yet a subscriber, remit 8/extra to cover twelve months’ subscription.

The Badge of the League and Membership Card will then be forwarded post free.

Postal orders should be crossed, and cheques made payable to Radclyffe & Hutchings, Ltd., 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.