

THE B.M.C.R.C. have this year been extraordinarily unlucky as regards weather, the first meeting was curtailed by rain, and the second meeting had to be postponed from April 9th to Wednesday, April 20th. However, on the latter date the races were run and some fine speeds were accomplished.

Few changes are to be noticed among the track men and machines this year, but Freddie Dixon seems to be abstaining temporarily, while J. S. Wright has graduated to a Brough Superior. Another feature of the races this year is the large number of McEvoys, both 350 c.c. and 1,000 c.c. models.

In the 500 c.c. class everything points to a tremendous struggle between the Spring-Denly-Staniland group on Nortons and Bert Le Vach on his New Hudson, while the surprise of the 2nd meeting was that C. W. G. Lacey on his new 500 c.c. Grindlay also showed sufficient speed to worry this duo. All three of these” firms” can lap at over 100 m.p.h., even at this early stage of the season, K. something really startling should be seen before October ! To return to the actual racing, it was curious to notice that Denly (Norton) beat Le Vach in the 500 c.c. scratch

race at record speed (100.82 m.p.h.), but that after the meeting Le Vach produced a second similar New Hudson and proceeded to beat Denly’s time for the 5 kilometres and 5 miles at over 105 m.p.h.

In the 350 c.c. scratch race the three fastest men all “blew up,” an unusual occurrence in such a short race, leaving F. G. Hicks to win comfortably at 86 m.p.h. on his Velocette.

Extremely creditable speeds were attained by the winners of the various handicap events, noticeably J. S. Worters, 86 m.p.h. on a 246 c.c. machine, H. 0. Matthews (private owner), 76 m.p.h. on a Norton and sidecar, and J. Chater-Lea (348 c.c. Chater Lea and sidecar), 72 m.p.h.

Apart from a crash on the part of R. L. Briggs, from which he is happily recovering, the whole meeting passed off without a hitch and provided an excellent afternoon’s sport. Results :—

350 c.c. 3-lap Scratch Race.

1. F. G. Hicks (348 Velocette).

2. C. A. C. Birkin (348 McEvoy).

3. W. A. Colgan (348 Cotton).

Winner’s speed-86.02 m.p.h.