

THE World’s Record for the International 1 litre class has again been beaten and this time by the famous hydroplane “Miss Betty.”

This little boat with an Aston Martin Engine, beat the first record set up for this class, by the Italian boat ” Baglietto ” in September, 1924, and held the record continuously up to the time when super-charged engines were introduced into this class. A super-charged Sunbeam engine was installed in the boat last year, but bad luck dogged her throughout the Duke of York’s Trophy Races, but she has now beaten the Record and regained the coveted title.

In making this new speed Record “Miss Betty” showed wonderfully consistent running in spite of the fact that the attempt was made under adyerse conditions and with a strong beam wind blowing. Only those who have raced on Windermere can appreciate how much this can reduce speeds.

” Miss Betty” had demonstrated that in spite of her age she can hold her own in the best company. She was designed by C. V. Mackrow, M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E. (who is a member of the Society of Naval Architects of America) in 1924, and built by Camper & Nicholson’s Ltd., of Gosport—the famous builders of Lipton’s ” Shamrock ” and had been one of the most successful boats in the 1,500 c.c. class.

During her career she has won nearly every important trophy in Great Britain, and was the winner of the first race held for the Duke of York’s Trophy. For numbers of wins she takes second place only to “Miss Empire” No. 1 of the class which was also designed by Mackrow, but was certainly less speedy than” Miss Betty.” The attempt was made on the measured mile on Lake Windermere tinder the auspices of the Windermere Motor Boat Club, and her speeds for the six runs over this course were as follows :—

No. of Run. 1 2 .• •

3 • . 4 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Knots. Miles. 39.387 45.354 39.130 45.058 39.735 45.755 39.216 45.157 5 • • • • • • 39.648 45.655 6 • • • • • • 39.648 45.655 Mean 39.460 or 45.439

This record was passed by the M.M.A. (National Authority for Great Britain) on April 6th and is now . awaiting confirmations by the I.M.Y.U. It is almost certain Mr. Noad will very shortly lower his own record as he proposes to make a further series of runs, when he should beat the record he has just” set up. IP

It appears fairly safe to forecast that a mean speed of well over 40 knots will be submitted to the I.M.Y.U. before the next meeting of the Permanent Committee.