

Dixon in the T.T.

Considerable interest has been evinced as to that famous rider, F. W. Dixon, and his mounts in the Tourist Trophy races. Dixon had entered in both Senior and Junior events, but the name of the machine was not mentioned and many rumours were afloat. It is now authoritatively stated that Dixon will figure on H.R.D.’s. He will be riding in both Junior and Senior races and in the latter will be accompanied by C. P. Wood, who finished fifth on an H.R.D. last year, and by Howard Davies, the rider-manufacturer of the machines. With so formidable a team H.R.D.’s should put up a good showing.

The Levis Absent. ,


For the first time since 1913 there will be no Levis machine in the T.T. races. The many Levis enthusiasts will be disappointed at this, for they had been hoping that the new O.H.V. Levis would make a successful debut, whilst Edwards’ run last year, until he crashed, showed that the two-stroke model, also, had plenty of speed. The manufacturers, however, are too busy producing models to devote time to the T.T. racing and it can only be hoped that they will return to the ” Island” in 1928. Incidentally, although the Levis is not racing at home, the little 173 c.c. model is still doing great things in Australia, its latest success being the 05 handicap at Adelaide on 10th March.