Round the Clubs, May 1926


Round the Clubs



A night trial was held by this Club, starting from the White Hart Hotel, Brasted, on Saturday, March 20th, at midnight. The observed hills presented little difficulty, as the surfaces were fairly dry, but nevertheless, the observed sections were of a very colonial type and most competitors found it difficult to keep to time. The most noteworthy of the observed hills was Barnboozelum, and here C. D. Conrad (io h.p. Salmson), led the cars. An excellent performance was put up by D. F. Gadson (532 c.c. Scott), who, baulked by a competing car, was forced into the ruts, but, nevertheless, made a good climb. Other good performers were S. G. Smith (1,098 c.c. Aero Morgan), and C. L. Simon (Io h.p. Grand Prix Salmson). Results are as follows : Silver Cups, L. G. Woiblet (249 C.C. B.S.A.); E. W. Hewett (348 C.C. A.J.S.); H. T. B. Finch (246 c.c. Beardmore Precision); C. L. Simon (to h.p. Salmson). Silver Medal, S. G. Smith (1,098 c.c. Morgan Blackburne). Bronze Medals, W. J. S. Acton (499 c.c. Triumph); S. W. Hole (494 c.c. Triumph Comb.). Silver Cup for the best performance by a member of an invited club, W. L. Bishop (Bishop Special Car), of the Brighton and Hove M.C. Complimentary Bronze Medal for a sporting performance, C. J. H. McQueen (493 c.c. o.h.v. Sunbeam Comb.),

The Club’s Easter tour to Lynton was a great success and was very well supported. The Club had six entrants in the London-Land’s End Trial, and the competitors were seen on Beggar’s Roost on Saturday morning.

A very enjoyable evening was spent at Headquarters on Saturday, April Ioth, the date of the informal dinner. After the repast an excellent concert was given, lasting about two and a half hours.

There will be a “Sherlock Holmes” on April 25th, when members will be required to follow up various clues. Solo riders will be allowed to ride in pairs, but passenger machines must ride singly.


The results of the Homac Cup Trial which was contested recently are officially announced by the Committee as follows : Homac Cup, won by W. Jaques, too marks. Silver Medals : E. A. Clark, 97 marks; A. C. Maskell, 96 marks; J. Bolton, 95

marks. Bronze Medals: T. Thurlby and R. A. Martin, 94 marks each.


This Club held their opening trial recently, with an entry of 37 competitors. The route was by Giffird, Donally Burn (observed), Last Hill (observed), Garvald, St. Agnes Farm (observed) and Haddington. J. D. S. Price (Dunelt S/c.) and J. H. McCracken were the only two to climb the last observed hill unassisted.

RESULTS.—First Class, W. Barclay (No Gerrard); J. G. Watt (Norton); W. Pettigrew (Norton); J. H. McCracken (Matchless S/c); J. A. Leslie (Dunelt); D. Wilson (B.S.A.); R. C. Ainslee (B.S.A.); L. McQueen (A.J.S.); D. McQueen (Francis-Barnett); J. C. Spiers (Calthorpe); J. C. Edward (Douglas); J. Kerr (Scott); S. Reid (A.J.S.); A. S. Kemp (Blackburne); T. K. Hubbard (Dunelt); A. S. M. Munro (Scott) ; V. Keene (Rudge) ; M’Arthur ; C. Simonton (Rudge). Second Class, J. Brooks (Rudge); D. M’Intosh (A.J.S.) ; W. Drysdale (Calthorp); Thompson.


The Club held a mystery run on March 27th, and the results are as follows :

1, T. L. Hatch (P. & M.); 2, B. Pooley (Scott); 3, J. Alfred (Scott).

The Viceles Cup Trial will be run on April 18th.


The South Midland Centre Half-Day Trial organised by this Club and run on March 27th, attracted a large entry, ranging from Francis-Barnett to Alfa Romeo. The course consisted of 68 miles of main and secondary roads, and although the recent spell of dry weather had robbed the event of many of its terrors, it was by no means without thrills. The water-splash accounted for no less than 29 failures, in spite of the fact that there was only a few inches of water in the shallow part. Many competitors took the water at speed, and most of them chose the deepest part. A particularly rough piece of road near High Cross provided some excitement and several falls. RESULTS,—Invitation Cup : 1.4. P. Walter (976 c.c. Matchless

Sic.), North London ; Silver Cup : G. Slade (588 c.c. Norton S fc.), Bucks County M.C.C.; Silver Spoons : H. A. Farmer (976 C.C. Enfield S /c.), North London :11..C.C.; L. V, Freeman (990 c.c.. Matchless), North London M.C.C.; F. G. Hands (5oo c.c. Montgomery Sic.), Bucks County M.C.C.; Ash Trays: H. I. Prynne (490 c.c. Norton), Bucks County M.C.C.•’ N. E. Hollis (492 C.C. Sunbeam), City of London M.A.; R. M. Andrews (174 c.c. Vulcan), City of London M.A. ; L. A. Barrett (493 c.c.

B.S.A.), Wood Green .M.C.C.; H. W. Bostock (348 C.C. Beardmore), North London M.C.C.; C. F. Keen (499 c.c. Triumph), Bucks County M.C.C.; Staley Cup, L. V. Freeman (990 C.C. :Matchless Sic.), North London M.C.C.

A very enjoyable run was made on Sunday, April nth, the venue being Ashridge Park. Another important item on our programme is the London Rally, held as usual at the Alexandra Palace on Whit Monday, May 24th, to which a cordial invitation is extended to all motorists. Hon. Sec., Alan W. Day, “Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finchley, N.3.


The opening trial attracted a good entry and proved a great success. Two observed hills and two water splashes were included in each of the two twenty-mile circuits covered. The best performance was put up by C. Lake (Velocette). R. Strickland (Scott) J. Hann (P. & M.) and Miss F. Yeomans (Zenith) obtained Silver Medals. Bronze Medals were awarded to F. Fitch (P. & M.) ; D. McNeil (A. J.S.) ; G. Bond (A.J.S.) and G. Savage (B.S.A.).


The standard of riding was good in the novices’ trial over a give-and take course, including one or two fairly steep bills, some stony tracks and good grass roads. The best performance was put up by R. Walkington (P. & M.). The second and third places were gained by W. Bower and W. Rogers on Triumphs.