The British Motorcycling Racing Club


MONTHLY BULLETIN F Zritt6b Olotor-Ortle %tart:ite Club (.4ffihiated to the BRIT ICF■ 140TORGYOS RACIPIC CLUB Hon Secretary: A. GEO. REYNOLDS. 95, Fillebrook Road, Leytonstone. E.11 Under this will be month to month the doings and features of the World’s Premier Racing Club. Headquarters : BROOKLANDS MOTOR COURSE. WEYBRIDGE. President: COLONEL F. LINDSAY LLOYD, C.M.G., C.B.E. Vice-President : PROFESSOR A. M. LOW, D.Sc., A.C.G.I.

THE Third Members’ Meeting takes place on Saturday, May 15th, with a programme consisting of the Three Two Hundred Miles Sidecar Races. At the time of writing these notes there is the impending threat of the general strike, and should this happen, it will be difficult to say whether the meeting will take place.

The entries had filled prior to the closing date, and several are already on the reserve list, viz., in Ws Class, which seems to be the most popular.

Limitation of entries is necessary owing to the capacity of the lap scoring and timing arrangements, and a field of 40-50 competitors is practically all that can be efficiently managed and recorded. Lap times are taken of every rider, and this puts a great strain for accuracy on the timekeepers and lap scorers. Up to the time of going to press the entries are as follow :

It will be remembered that the first occasion of 200 miles race for sidecar machines was organized the Ealing and District Motor Club and took place 1922, and was continued each year until 1925. Owing the Brooklands Track undertaking to limit the use the course in accordance with an agreement as the of the Weybridge residents’ litigation, the Club prevented continuing the fixture. A race of this importance could not, in view of its popularity, be allowed to drop, and the B.M.C.R.C. without hesitation included it in their fixtures, and with the goodwill of the Baling Club will carry on.

It is a tribute to the Baling Club that materially the conditions and regulations do not differ, and many of the Baling enthusiasts will be lending a hand on the day.

An innovation on this occasion will be the recognition of the passenger of each successful competitor. One has only to be a passenger for such a distance to realise what it means and be able to argue who had the most happy time over the bumps. Replica cups and medals will be awarded to the occupants of the sidecars, and they will be justly entitled to them.