172 m.p.h. AT PENDINE.


172 m.p.h. AT PENDINE.

Just as we are going to press we hear that J. G. P. Thomas, driving ” Babs,” the 27 litre Liberty-engined monster, has substantially improved on the figures for the flying mile and flying kilometre world’s records, previously held by the two Sunbeams.

Mr. Thomas’s speeds were 170 m.p.h. for the kilometre and 169 m.p.h. for the mile.

This performance is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that Mr. Thomas, who is, comparatively speaking, a lone band, has handsomely beaten one of the most powerful racing combines in the world at the first attempt. Congratulations !


Messrs. Wilson Motors, well-known as the producers of the attractive little ” Burghley “Sports Model Austin Seven, announce that they can now supply a” Burghley” Sports Model Lea-Francis, on either the 10 h.p., the 10/22 h.p., or the 12/40 h.p. chassis. The general conception of these models is very much on the lines of the ” Burghley ” Austin, but naturally on a larger scale. The behaviour of the Lea-Francis in the 1925 Reliability Trials proves that it is undoubtedly one of the cars of the moment, and the ” Burghley” Model should be seriously considered by anyone desiring a Sports Car that is something from the ordinary.