
ROUND THE CLUBS—continued.


1925 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS. May 31.1 Two-day Holiday Run to Hardkuott and Wrynose

June r .1 Passes.

July 18. Race Meeting. 22. Evening Event (7 to 9 p.m.). Speed and Distance

Judging Contest.

Aug. 9. Social Picnic to Brock Close.

15. Race Meeting.

Sept. r 2. Race Meeting, A .C.U. and R.A.C. OPEN PERMIT.

20. Social Run to view Ralson Cup course. Dec. 26. I Two-day Winter Trial. Coast to Coast. ” Douglas,”

27. ” Crosthwaite ” and “Mason ” Cups.

(Open Permits for cars and motor cycles applied for.) 1926.

Jan. 8. Race Meeting. Annual Dinner and Prize Distribution in the evening. T. H. HALSALL, Hon. Secretary, Southport Motor Club,

55, Hoghton Street, Southport.


TRAVERS TROPHY, enamelled gold medal, and £50 : 11. S. Thompson, 21 h.p. Velocette.

ALLAN ROBSON SHIELD (for fastest time on observed hill) : G. F. Povey, 21 h.p. O.H.V. Velocette.

BRADFORD CHALLENGE Bowl, (for best performance fourwheeler) : H. B. Denley, Rhode car.

N.U.T. CHALLENGE CuP (best solo machine, over 5oo c.c.) : C. J. L. Handley, N.U.T.

BEST Sor,o PERFORMANCE (Newcastle Club member) : H. S. Thompson.

BEST PASSENGER MACHINE PERFORMANCE: N. P. 0, Bradley, 31 h.p. Sunbeam side-car.

BEST PERFORMANCE PRIVATE MOTOR-CYCLE, not exceeding 350 c.c. : P. Hart, Sunbeam.

BEST ‘Sow (exceeding 350 c.c.) : J. Wray, Norton.

BEST PRIVATE OWNER (timed hill) : Bradley, Sunbeam side-car.

GOLD MEDALS.—S010 : H. S. Thompson, Velocette ; G. F. Percy, Velocette : J. Joynson, Cedos ; P. A. Loughton, Matchless; Davison Hall, Panther cub ; S. Gill, Calthorpe ; G. Rutherford, Rover ; H. W. Hadfield, Raleigh ; G. Wright, Humber ; L. Crisp, Humber.

SIDE-CARS: H. Gibson, Raleigh ; F. Whitworth, RudgeWhitworth.

CARS: A. B. Denley, Rhode ; V. G. Walsgrove, Riley ; J. Glenton Friars, Clyno ; S. Goodfellow, Clyno ; J. Cocker, Clyno saloon ; A. Stewart, Riley ; F. Turvey, Humber eight; J. W. Bell, Triumph.

The car team prize was won by the Clyno team.


27-80 h.p. Austro-Daimler, very handsome and fast, 4-seater sports; 415o.—Keyser’s, 33, Holland Park Mews, London, W xi.


RESEARCH ENGINEERS, Ltd. (formerly Leopold Ward, Ltd.), Harmood Place, Chalk Farm, N.W.I .—Experimental work, drawings, and reports ; engine testing on H.F. dynamometer ; secrecy guaranteed, booklet free.


SCORED CYLINDERS. Scores in cylinder bores can be filled in by Barimar Metallurgical (Patented) Process, to fit existing pistons and returned in two days under money-back guarantee, at low cost.—BARIMAR, Ltd. (Scientific Welding Engineers), 14r 8, LAMB’S CONDUIT STREET, LONDON, W .C.I . Branches in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Glasgow.