
ROUND THE CLUBS—continued.


This Club held its first big event on the Brentor Course, held on April 4th, 1915, and the event attracted a representative entry from both trade and amateur riders.

Several well-known speedmen were competing. Dixon, arriving from Messrs. Douglas Motors, Bristol, with a lorry load of machines and mechanics, was successful in winning every class for which he entered, attaining a speed of exactly Too m.p.h. solo on one run, and a speed of over 86, fastest sidecar.

J. A. Joyce appeared on the super-lightened A.C., and covering the half mile at an average speed of 91 m.p.h., made the fastest car time.

Walters’ Peugeot, piloted by Vernon Motion, ran into second place, which was a disappointment, as this car is known to have attained, and still be capable of, far higher speeds. It may be remembered that this car was the winner of the 1912 European Grand Prix.

H. G. Dobbs, a local amateur, performed excellently on his Morgan-Blackbume, covering the half-mile in 22 2-5 seconds in spectacular style, thereby first tying, and finally beating, Wallsgrove’s well-known Riley. The Morgan presented a peculiar appearance owing to the passenger having to lean completely across the back of the body in order to hold in top gear.

R. E. Kestell, the Manager of Crown Motors, Plymouth, and the local Zenith Agent, did very well to win all the Novice Solo classes on his 21h.p. Zenith.

R. T. Grogan, the winner of the 5oo c.c. class 200 miles race last year at Brooklands, was very far from being up to form, as were the other Norton Riders. He secured one second to Dixon, second place in the remaining two solo classes going to C. R. Grant.

P. Pike, Norton, and D. Briggs’ fiercesome looking Zenith, were unexpectedly slow. Briggs’ transmission obviously being unable to cope with the power developed by the engine, and Pike’s gear-box finally seizing up entirely.

No speed Trial would be complete without the orchestration of a Scott Exhaust ; this was ably provided by R. B. H. Johnstone, although Harrison-Smith’s smaller Scott-Squirrel with standard silencer was faster.

Miss Barnett, the only lady competitor, covered the half mile at exactly 60 m.p.h. on her Big Four Norton and Sidecar, in full touring trim ; this must be considered a very creditable performance.

The electric timing, perhaps not unexpectedly, gave way, and a further delay was caused by a careless spectator standing on the telephone wire. The organisation was not very perfect, but was hindered by the usual lack of forethought of the spectators who constantly crowded on to the course, and round the timekeeping officials. In spite of this, no accident of any sort occurred.

The West of England Motor Club, which is a central organisation catering for sporting motorists in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, is holding its next event, the YeovilLand’s End Reliability Trial, on Whitsuntide (May 3oth). This event has already considerable standing in the West of England, and was previously run by the Yeovil Motor Club. Hon. Secretary, L. W. Pearce, St. Brelades, Cheddon Road, Taunton.


There was a large number of spectators at the West Kent M.C. Spring motor cycle race meeting held at Brooklands on the 4th inst., which was run off successfully in weather which is seldom enjoyed on this side of the continent ; the sun was never more welcome, in -view of the unnecessarily conscientious activity of the silencing authority which made prospects look pretty black. It appears strange that S. F. E. Vita,gerald on his new 592 c.c. Zenith M.A.G. was turned off the course for an alleged inefficient silencer ; yet he raced and won with this identical silencer in the recent B.M.C.R.C. meeting. It was passed O.K. then .

The finicky method in which the silencing regulations were enforced reached a point when comment is superfluous.

An unfortunate incident occurred preventing H. J. Knight, 976 c.c. Zenith J.A.P., from competing in the passenger class ; he was testing on the road inside the track when his fingers got entangled with the throttle lever, landing him in a ditch and bending his forks badly.

The honour of fastest time of the day goes to H.M . Walters, 728 c.c. Zenith J.A.P. by doing one lap at 96 m.p.h.; it appears that A. G. Williams, 493 c.c. Sunbeam, could not get going, his fastest lap was 89.9 m.p.h. His lower speed may be attributed to the unfortunate engine mishap in the B.M.C.R.C. meeting. The two Lap Novices Unlimited Handicap was remarkable in that 15 started and only two crossed the finishing line, the entire field faded away ; but Gordon Ivey, 492 c.c. Sunbeam, did not fade away with engine trouble, his rear tyre went flat when doing over 70 m.p.h. coming off the Members banking ; he can congratulate himself on not crashing as half the cover left the rim.

The next race was the Two Lap Scratch, Solo up to 380 c.c. for Experts. Hopkins (Chater-Lea-Blackbume) crossed the line three yards in front of Worters (Blac.kburne) with O’Reilly six yards behind, for third place.

Blackburnes did very well, Hopkins pulling off two firsts, one race in the 350 c.c. Kissle won at 80.72 m.p.h. Hobbold did well for Sunbeams, he managed two firsts, winning one at 82.31 m.p.h.


Some 25 members of the North London M.C.C. foregathered at the Alexandra Palace on Sunday, March 22nd, preparatory to starting on a social run to Chipping Ongar. The weather, although cold, gave every promise of again being favourable, but it was not long before conditions such as are usually encountered on the London-Exeter Trial prevailed. The party eventually reached Ongar, where a welcome tea was taken at the King’s Head Hotel. In spite of snow, wind and other attentions from the Clerk of the Weather, all spent a very pleasant afternoon.

Hon. Sec., A. W. Day, “Claremont,” B011ards Lane, Finchley, N.3.