Round the Clubs, May 1925


Round the Clubs

SHEFFIED tic HALLAMSHIRE MOTOR CYCLE tic HONITON MOTOR CYCLE Sc LIGHT CAR CLUB. CAR CLUB. (Affiliated to the A.C.U.) The Commencement of the season was celebrated on March 26th by a dinner dance held at Hathersage when

over no members and friends were present. The proceedings terminated at 2 a.m. and the success of the evening augurs well for the coming season.

The opening run was on March 29th, to the Grindon Valley via Bakewell, Longnor and Warslow. A halt was made at the head of Wetton Hill which caused the failure of four or five members. Afterwards the company of 50 motor cycles and sidecars and a dozen cars proceeded up the valley to Warslow where tea was taken, followed by a pleasant run home via Hulme End, Youlgrave and Bakewell. On Sunday, April 5th, the first sporting trial, the Amateur Reliability Trial for the Roper Shield, attracted 17 entries, this trial being open to all who have never won a premier award in a club trial. The course led by moorland tracks, muddy lanes, farmyards and main roads to Shatton water-splash which claimed no victims. The following rough section up Rindale accounted for two failures, Balmforth (349 A. J .S.) who crashed and P. Hall (Scott) whose machine evidently preferred ploughed fields. Excellent climbs of Pindale were made by H. W. Ogg (293 New Imperial), J. May (346 P. & P.) and G. Sawer (349 A.J.S.) Semi-main roads then led by Millers Dale to Cowdale and the main Buxton Road where six survivors appeared, the course afterwards leading through Great Hucklow and Hathersage, after which was a final rough section over Stannage Moor to the finish at Ringinlowe where the following checked in J.May (346 P. & P.), G. Sawer (349 A.S.S.), W. Arlindale (499 Sunbeam), H. W. Ogg (293 New Imperial),

Bullivant (980 Coventry Eagle s.c.), and M. Parkes (490 Ariel). The final results were :—

1st. Roper Shield, J. May (346 P. & P.). znd. Half Pint Tankard, H. W. Ogg (293 New Im

perial). 3rd. Bronze Medal, G. Sawer (349 A.S.S.) The events for May are :—

May 3. Traders’ Team Trial.

May 9. Social Run.

May 16. Barmouth (24-hour) Reliability Trial.

May 17. Ditto.

May 24. Mystery Trial.

May 28. Supper.

Any persons interested and wishing to become members should communicate with the Hon. Sec., C. C. New, Esq., 9, Bents Green Road, Sheffield.

At present this is one of the smallest clubs, but nevertheless, last year, which was the fourth year of the club, a membership of seventy was attained.

During the season ten well-supported events were promoted, and the total value of the awards to members was over £50.

One of the reasons to which the success of the club is attributed is the fact that short evening runs are held, with an entrance fee of only 2 /-, in preference to the all-day event, which the majority of motor cyclists cannot support owing to lack of time and money.

The annual subscription is 5/per annum, including the A.C.U. affiliation fee, and the Secretary is Mr. A. C. Roberts, at the Club’s headquarters, the Dolphin Hotel, Hon iton.