the b.a.r.c easter meeting



Bad Weather Causes Abandonment of Several Races.

pINE weather in the morning was responsible for the

large attendance at Brooklands for the opening meet of the B.A.R.C. Some thirty thousand people were assembled before the weather broke and completely spoilt the meeting from a spectacular point of view, as none of the larger cars competed owing to the cancellation of their events. Disappointing it certainly was, but undoubtedly the stewards were wise in not permitting the leviathans of the track to be unleashed ; it was hard enough to hold the small fry down on the banking at times.

The first race, the Easter Private Competitors Handicap of 51 miles, commenced from the Railway start and finished half way down the Railway straight. It resulted in a win for Purdy’s Alvis which caught the limit car (J. Dunfee, Salmson) twenty-five yards from the front and just managed to win by a length at a speed of 78.57 m.p.h. Lieut. Kidstone was third on his Bugatti. The second race on the programme was the 32.75 m.p.h. Short Handicap, 51 miles, starting from the Pond and finishing on the Lightning Finishing Line. The


Marendaz Special (43 secs.) was never caught, although another quarter mile would have resulted in Whale’s Calthorpe winning ; as it was. won by about 130 yards and Dr. Benj afield was third on a Salmson. Speed 73.52 m.p.h. The third race was cancelled and the fourth took its place. This was the r8th go m.p.h. Short Handicap and the victor was the scratch man, Lieut. G. Kidston (Bugatti owing 6 secs.), second, 0. Wilson Jones (Salmson 26 secs.), third, Capt. Waite (Austin 45 secs.). Speed 96.84 m.p.h. An exciting incident occurred when Mr. Chamberlayne’s Nazarro, driven by Captain Miller, caught fire. It was driven down the finishing straight in flames, but the outbreak was soon dealt with by the Pyrene people. •The O.H.V. gear was damaged during the week-end by someone who broke open Mr. Chamberlayne’s garage. The fifth (Brooklands Founders’ Gold Cup) race was cancelled and the next, the r8th go m.p.h. Long Handicap of 81 miles proved a win for Capt. Campbell (Itala 1.18), followed by Whale’s Calthorpe, only 8o yards behind, and Capt. Waite (Austin II, 1.24) brought up