

Since his spill at Sandown Park, where his ;mount fell and broke its back sand threw him heavily on his head, Mr. Duller has been almost continually undergoing special treatment, for, as the X-ray photographs show, the concussion nearly resulted in a fracture of the spinal column. Fortunately he was wearing a crash helmet at the time, but he considers this device capable of further improvement, and is busy designing one of a new pattern. Let us hope he will have no occasion to test it as severely as he did the last one. Even such a narrow escape cannot keep Mr. Duller away from his cars, for a week or so ago we found him

busy at the Brooklands Track testing his Thomas Special in readiness for coming events.

This brief review would be incomplete without reference to the keen interest of Mrs. George Duller in motor racing, for it will be remembered that, with her husband as mechanic, she created a world’s record for a lady by driving the Leyland-Thomas for roo miles during the space of one hour. What with horses, racing and touring cars, to say nothing of the famous Alsatian wolfhounds, which are Mrs. Duller’s special care, there are few brighter people than the Dullers, either at work with the horses or at play with the cars.