

close examination of the exhaust system, we were allowed to proceed after having been warned that the car would be called in if it made too much noise. One rather irritating thing about the car was the fitting of a kilometre per hour speedometer which, of course, will be altered for the British market. Another thing about the instrument was the flimsy belt drive, wbich failed to transmit steadily enough to register accurately at high speed. Thus it was impossible to say the exact maximum speed obtained, but by timing the laps it was found to be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 74 in If these little cars are to be used seriously for sports driving it may be desirable to augment the petrol supply arrangements, for with the vacuum feed used on the model we tested, there was a slight tendency for


the engine to ” hunt ” at high speeds. The same trouble was noticed later during some hill-climbing tests, but was eventually located in a temporary blockage of the pipe.

The Mathis was run all out for seven laps on the track and showed no sign of stress or overheating, neither were the bumps of the concrete surface particularly noticeable. Incidentally, it may be remarked that the wheels held on to the surface in a very commendable manner.

Fast Touring and a Hill Climb. Leaving Brooklands the route selected lay along the Portsmouth road as far as the turning for Newlands Corner, then across country through Shere and Goinshall to Dorking. Passing Burford Bridge Hotel, where the

Junior Car Club members were gathered in force, we made the ascent of the Zig-Zag leading to the top of Box Hill. As readers are aware, the gradient on this climb is not severe, but two or three of the hairpin bends call for a car with a good steering lock, if the curves are to be taken at any speed. If we were asked for the outstanding feature of the Mathis in respect to road performance, the verdict would undoubtedly be given for its ” cornering ” abilities. By dropping into second a yard or two before each bend, the car can be forced round a sharp curve at an extremely useful pace. It is possible to stand on the accelerator, wrench the steering wheel on 4111 lock and then get a momentary glimpse of the trees and hedges swinging round on a pivot, for the car is so steady that it feels stationary, whilst the landscape flashes by with

a rapid flanking movement. Whatever one may say about balloon tyres and rolling action, there is certainly nothing to complain of in this direction with the Mathis, which sticks on to any kind of road without the slightest difficulty.

Looking for Faults.

When testing such a nice little sports car as the Mathis, one may be apt to overlook any little weak points that exist, but as this is a part of stern duty we passed a critical eye over the chassis for the benefit of our readers.

The fasteners for the bonnet are inadequate and should be replaced by a set of a much stronger pattern and supplemented by a Brooklands bonnet strap. Some form of positive drive for the speedometer would be a very welcome improvement, accompanied