

We rate our photographers less on the goods they produce when the sun is shining than on how they cope when the circs are against them. Matt Howell is used to sunny climes for much of his glossy corporate work, but we gave him a winter’s day, a barn full of cars and one lorry to work with and he still produced a great looking set of snaps. But it did require multiple exposures, a cherry-picker platform and one hell of a lot of planning.

Like anyone who’s spent years following Grands Prix, Nigel Roebuck has his favourite circuits, some bêtes noirs – and he greatly misses some of the classic tracks displaced by the eastward shift So as a New Year present we gave him a magic wand to overrule Bernie and plan his own F1 season. If only it were real, and if only Bernie would listen…

Racing drivers seem to get smaller as time goes on. Not so Andrew Frankel, whose imposing frame was ideal for rugby at school but proves to be a hindrance when puffing on a Formula 1 car. Even the Caterham SupersporJ R was easy access compared to the March 701 in this issue. Frankel is used to chucking the seat overboard before he even climbs into an F1 car but this time he had to leave half the bodywork behind too. Good job the scrutineers weren’t checking.

Mind you, in the staff height race AF is over-shadowed by Ed Foster’s 6ff 7in. Which must be why he flew business class for his trip to Morocco to check out Race2Recovery’s preparations for the Dakar rally. Not that the rest of us, stuck in soggy London, begrudged him four days of Sahara sun and adventure.