Capacity entry for new FIA GT1 series


Capaci-y entry for new HA Gil series

THE NEW-FOR-2010 FIA GT1 WORLD Championship became a reality on the publication of a capacity 24-car entry list for the series in January.

Series boss Stephane Ratel described the entry of 12 two-car teams split between six marques as “a dream come true”. He said the entry for this year’s 10-date series on four continents had exceeded his expectations. “I thought I would end up with 20 cars and five brands because I was commiffed to refusing one-car teams and any brand with just two cars,” he said. “It was a risk, but 24 cars proves

that you don’t need factory teams.”

Two teams new to circuit racing were on the entry list when it was published.

A new British squad, Sumo Power GT, will run a pair of Nissan GT-Rs in place of Gigawave Motorsport, which closed its doors before Christmas. Triple H Hegersport, run by former works touring car driver Altfrid Heger, will field a pair of Maserati MC] 2s alongside Michael Bartels Vita phone Racing squad.

And Audi DTM squad Phoenix has reunited with Dutch entrant Carsport after a year’s break to run a pair of Chevrolet Corveffe C6.Rs.