Miscellany, March 2003


Alastair Cooke’s long-lived weekly radio talk recently centred on football and tennis, and revealed another modem influence which might come here, a retractable roof over Wimbledon’s hallowed courts. I wonder if the over-90-year-old Cooke has ever seen a motor race — Indianapolis, perhaps? And whether in the future Bernie Ecclestone might wish to have covers over circuits?

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The Bugatti OC magazine Bugantics is progressive and party to some of the most enthralling cars. It is a long time since I damaged my BOC Pennant in a crash on black ice in a Morgan Plus-Four, youthful enthusiasm displaying it on a not fully appropriate car. But I don’t think lever perpetrated in Motor Sport in 1946 the idea that “the Type 68 370cc Bugatti had 16 cylinders, eight camshafts and four superchargers”, or that “any of its four engines could be declutched if one failed — nothing like having faith in your product!”

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Information about the expert car model maker Rex Hays is sought by Peter Russell. Tel or fax: 01798 815632.

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Those who want to research the Aurelio Lampredi-powered Fiats, Lancias or Alfa Romeos are advised to obtain Twin-Cam Italia by Phil Ward with Brian Long (MRP, ISBN 1-899870-58-K, £24.95), which includes driving impressions, buying them, and how to maintain them.

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Ferrari followers — Note that Brooklands Books of Cobham have reprinted the Road &Track road-test reports of the F355 and 360, as also has the well established American journal (ISBN 1-855206-12-9, £19.95).