

Kenneth Sully

The death has occurred of Kenneth Owen Sully, designer of HE cars, and son of Roland J Sully. Born in Penarth, South Wales, in 1911, K Sully went into the aeroplane industry, at Phillips & Powis at Woodley but, just before war broke out, he moved to the Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton and worked on many Bristol aircraft, from Beaufighter to Concorde, including the enormous Brabazon air-liner

When the Bristol car division was formed, Sully took on the task of engineer and test driver, but went back to aeroplanes when American engines replaced the 2-litre Bristol power units in the cars.

He retired in 1972, but retained his interest in his father’s cars and was delighted to ride in John Miler’s restored 1924 HE on that car’s 75th birthday.

Mr Sully died at home after a short illness. Our condolences go to his son and family; his father was an avid reader of Motor Sport and helped me with the articles I wrote about HEs in 1960 and ’85.