Race reports are us



In a recent issue Mr Allen makes a plea for race reports and results of the more important historic events. There is a publication that devotes itself to previewing and reporting important historic race meeting throughout Britain and Europe and which publishes results of these meetings. This is Historic Motor Racing News, of which I am the Editor. As it is not a glossy, but a newsletter format, it does not compete for circulation with magazines such as MOTOR SPORT so I presume you won’t mind letting your readers know about it. Historic Motor Racing News is available by subscription from PO Box 2312, London W8 6ZA, Fax 0171 938 4983.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your magazine. I receive all of `the comics’ and MOTOR SPORT is the only one that I read – I scan through the others – because of the wonderful mix of history and actuality. It is a magazine with a personality, and a charming one at that.

I am, yours, etc. Carol Spagg, London W8