Miscellany, March 1998


The federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs has announced that it is withdrawing from FIVA, as it is dissatisfied with its representation. Instead it will join a new body to be known as the International Historic Vehicle Organisation, using the services of Reg Dawson, who has had much experience in safeguarding historic vehicle interests in Brussels. The hobby now supports a substantial industry, and the freedom of use of older vehicles must never be eroded; as the IHVO will have more power than FIVA granted the FBHVC, it seems entirely sensible to wish it well.

The Austin 7 world has lost a great enthusiast and expert with the death, aged 79, of Ray Walker, who was well-known and helpful as President of the Cambridge University A7 Club. After leaving the RAF he repaired military motorcycles, having been apprenticed to Hallem of Cambridge in 1934, starting at 7/6 a week. After collecting a new A7 Ruby from Longbridge he became a specialist in these cars and ran a 1926 Chummy, YB776, which he repurchased after selling it. He and his wife Mary attended every 750MC National Rally at Beaulieu for the past 35 years. From the 1940s he used a 1920 Ford A truck as a garage hack and was still using a 1930 Jowett saloon to tow a 12cwt caravan on West Country tours.

I am sorry to hear that Harold Garland has died, aged 96. He was associated with Salmsons in the 1920s, working with Wilson-Jones at Bromley in sorting out the teething troubles of these little sportscars, and riding in them with Jones or Bob Spikins in MCC trials and speed events, and at Brooklands in the ex-Lombard car. After which Mr Garland went to Salmson’s in Motcomb Street, Belgrave Square, until they sacked the staff in 1925 as the slump approached. My condolences to Harold’s son Bob, who used to take part in MCC trials with his VW Beetle.

The 1997 MOTOR SPORT Brooklands Memorial Trophy results were as follows: Joint 1st: Barry Cannell (Alvis), Westie Mitchell (GN-AC): 99pts 3rd: Julian Bronson (Riley): 93pts 4th: Mark Walker (Parker-GN) 83pts

The Shuttleworth Trust’sTransport Workshop is restoring a Fiat Topolino, the flat-twin Jowett is in use, a reminder that Dick Shuttleworth had one as a hack, and the Richard Brasier is having a cracked cylinder block attended to. The veteran Baby Peugeot missed last year’s Brighton Run because a backaxle pinion shaft was found to be broken. The veteran Panhard is road-legal, and the Wolseley which Dick’s father, Col Frank Shutdeworth, ordered will soon be available as a wedding car.

The Classic Malts ScottishSix-Day Reliability Trial takes place from May 2/7, over a 1350mile route, with driving-tests and regularity sections. Already almost half the expected entry is from overseas. An early applicant was ex-F1 driver Clay Regazzoni (Mercedes-Benz), another Pinter Denzel with his father’s Denzel SS1300 from the 1950s. Details: HERO, The Town’ House, Leigh, Worcester (01886 833505)

Hero’s 5000-mile trans America Trial runs from July 25 to August 13th and takes in such motoring venues as Indianapolis, Pikes Peak, Bonneville and Black Rock Desert where the recent LSR was achieved by Thrust SCC. Details as above.