Le Mans - The Jaguar Years


Le Mans The Jaguar Years. Brooklands Books, £12.95.

Brooklands Books has broadened its range. As well as its incredibly complete run of one-make reprints, the new Road Race series assembles race reports from prominent motor journals. The first we have seen, while interesting as far as it goes, is not a history of this great race, as it covers only the Jaguar years, 1949-1957, which of course is the intention. (The Ferrari and Ford/Matra years will follow.)

You get 43 republished articles including DSJ’s very long report for MOTOR SPORT of the 1954 race, when Ferrari beat Jaguar, which he called “Brute Force v Science”, in 144 pages, including a results-list, for £12.95 – far better than stints in reference libraries! (A catalogue of all such offerings is available free of charge.) WB