Prime Movers


Prime Movers, by Karr Lucivigsen. Transport Bookman, £25.00.

Here is a full account of lImor Engineering Ltd and its place in modern racing, from the capable hands of Karl Ludvigsen, who has made a point of seeing and discussing racing engines with their engineers for much of his life, from Meyer Drake and Leo Goosen onwards. For the first time we can read of how the Chevrolet, Leyton House, Sauber and Mercedes-Benz interests were catered for and Ilmor power units developed. The initiative of Paul Morgan is to be greatly admired for his part in the growth of this organisation, as he followed the advice and experience gained with his father Brian, as vintage cars were rebuilt so meticulously in the home workshop — apart from which, anyone who flies his own Mustang (or Spitfire) must have one’s greatest admiration…

The book opens with why GM looked to Ilmor in Northants for its Chevvy V8 racing engine — there is a list of its long-line of race wins, and those of other Ilmor engines, including seven consecutive Indy firsts from 1988 onwards with drivers such as At Unser Jnr, Bobby Rahal, Danny Sullivan, Fittipaldi and Andretti, etc. (27 Unser wins!) We needed this book, in which Karl tells it in convincing detail, with pack of good pictures. Now wouldn’t it be nice if we had a true Mercedes-Benz return to F1 supremacy, Ilmor engines to aid them? W B