1991 British Motorsport Year book


Virgin Video, £10.99.

Seldom has life been so good for motor racing enthusiasts. First, seasonal F1 reviews trickled onto the market, admittedly at inflated prices. Then the BTCC and F3 became marketable commodities, and video prices started to drop.

Now, British club racing has a tape of its own. It lasts two hours, and contains some excellent footage from the Hay-Fisher team.

The title, however, is a misnomer. The only series covered are those which Hay-Fisher followed for the satellite and cable TV stations. So while fans of Formula Vauxhall Junior, Vauxhall Lotus, Formula Renault, the Honda CRX Challenge and Renault Clio Elf UK Cup may enjoy the contents, it’s hardly a ‘Yearbook’ as such.

A nice idea, but it really needs to cover more categories in smaller doses in order to become a success. That, in turn, depends upon squabbles over TV rights being knocked on the head . . . SA