Miscellany, March 1992


It was in 1958, at Lavenham, that I attended an event expressly for steam cars. It was a very small gathering of a 1904 Turner-Meisse, a Doble and a home-built LBC. Since then l have enjoyed a London-Brighton Veteran Car Run on a 1900 Gardner-Serpollet, so I am delighted to hear that the Steam Car Club of Great Britain has been formed. At its first event last May 20 cars and a steam motorcycle attended and members have been showing the superiority of steam at various steam-fairs and similar happenings since then, and at last year’s Veteran Car Run to Brighton they set up a halfway service-point for steam cars at Redhill. We hope to hear more of them. The Secretary is Tony Vince, 47 Ellsworth Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2TU. WB

Onto heavier steamers, the National Traction Engine Club continues the good work it has done for many years and issues an excellent quarterly magazine Steaming. Annual subscription is £12 and the Membership Secretary is J Cook, 25 Ripon Drive, Sleaford, Lincs NG34 8UF. WB

The Journal of the Morris Register continues to be as interesting as ever, edited by Harry Edwards, the last issue containing an article about the Military Morris Eight, for example (to match that about military A7s in a recent issue of the Austin Seven Clubs Association journal) with 20 pictures of these Army Morrises. WB

The popular and well-established Yeovil CC’s Bristol-to-Bournemouth Vintage Vehicle Run is scheduled for June 14th this year. It involves a 97-mile route, and is open to all pre-1940 cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles, if the last-named weigh not more than 4 tonnes. Period costume is encouraged and the entry-fee per vehicle is £25, £20 for Yeovil CC members. Entries close on April 1st; details from A Davidson, 63 Abbots Way, Yeovil, BA21 3HK. WB

The Alvis Register is hoping to issue a supplement to “The Vintage Alvis” book, by Peter Hull and Norman Johnson, published in 1967 and long out of print. Paul Hate, editor of the Register’s Bulletin, would welcome any corrections or clarifications and anything assisting in the compilation of an up-to-date list of known cars. His address is 65 Ellison Way, Wokingham, Berks RG11 2AB. The Humber Register and the 12/50 Alvis Register are looking into the matter of having made a supply of artillery wheels to take 21 x 4.75in tyres, as although tyres of this size are available, the wheels are not. Those who need such wheels for other than 12/25 and 14/40hp Humber or 12/50 Alvis cars can contact the Registers concerned. WB

Michael Ware, Curator of the National Motor Museum, is searching for sheet music relating to the motor-car and would be glad to hear from anyone who can supply such material. (Phone 0590 612345). It is proposed to perform some of the songs at Beaulieu. WB