automobile record breakers


Automobile Record Breakers by David Tremayne (Apple Press. Blundell St, London. 126pp) Sub-titled From Rocket to Road Car, this well-illustrated book spreads itself from the Land Speed Record to current developments in road cars, via a detailed chapter on technical advances in motorsport. As befits the title, the LSR gets the most attention, with an entire chapter on Richard Noble’s successful Thrust 2 project and another on the history of that dangerous goal. On the track, innovations such as turbines, 4WD, aerofoils and fan cars are all described and illustrated, while the road cars chapter also stresses race and rally input. • Perhaps the title is less than appropriate, for only part of the book is actually about breaking records, though a series of side-boxes details some “mostests” such as “Greatest Fiasco” (DeLorean) and “Biggest Flop” (Ford Edsel). But there is a good spread of interest in it, and Ttemayne’s acknowledged expertise on the subject makes the chapter on LSR history especially absorbing; it is good to see the interesting failures such as Frank Lockhart’s elegant 1928 Stutz Black Hawk Special given their due. GC Very imposing, such is just and proper, is the big volume From Sea To Air by A E Tagg and R L Wheeler, which traces the Heritage of Sam Saunders, the boat and aeronautical company in the Isle of Wight, now Westland Aerospace Limited. Its 316 big pages were very thoroughly researched and are packed with unique and interesting pictures. Those who enthuse over boats, flying boats and seaplanes will find this history of Saunders (1830-1989) of great merit. From my viewpoint I was pleased to see a “new” picture of the racing DFP driven by Capt. (later Sir) Henry Birkin at Brooklands in 1921, with its Saunders’-made Consuta-planked body, and two of a 1922 3-litre Bentley with a Consuta sports body built for Sir H Chiliot of St James, London, while Sir Henry Segrave is featured as Aviation

adviser to the Aircraft Investment Corporation. Saunders also built his Miss England II and Campbell’s Bluebird, and other racing boats. Mostly, though, this is a book with an incredible wealth of information about boats, aeroplanes, missiles, patents, personalities etc, copiously illustrated. It costs £22 and is published by Crossprint Ltd, Isle of Wight. WB