They're not just


They’re not just any old cars, so why use old oil?

Everyone has a car they love. For some people, the ‘exceedingly eye-worthy, fast and accelerative’

Gull-wing, as Auto Car described it in 1955, gets

the heart racing.

For others, Alec Issigonis’s chirpy, cheerful, and cheap Mini can bring on palpitations.

But, whatever the car, there can be no denying that they become more than something to take us from A to B, not least because of the special memories that go hand in hand with them. (And we don’t just mean those made on the back seat.)

Not for these vehicles, names such as GLS, Ghia or GTI. Instead, Betsy, Fred or The Beast. Few can deny that they haven’t whiled away time

just admiring their ‘baby.’

Particularly, after hours of car wax, chrome polish, and grease (especially the elbow variety) have been employed.

Yet, despite all the attention lavished on the outside, in many cases, little is given to the inside. Namely, the engine, and more importantly, the oil that’s used. Which isn’t surprising. After all, no one gets excited about ‘viscosity, or ‘SAE 15/40W.’ Instead it’s the thrill of driving your ‘pride and joy’ and drawing envious looks that makes you feel on top of the world. Of course all of us check that the engine is topped-up with oil. But have you ever checked that you’re topping-up your car

Because just as every car is different so is the oil it needs. As you’re probably aware, fast

with the right sort of oil?

Put 32 pints of the wrong lubricant into a Gull-wing it really does take that much) and the only place the engine will make it to is the scrapyard. Which is why, if you want to keep the car that moves moving, the oil it uses had better be care

there’s just one oil to consider. An all-purpose multigrade.

But we think anyone who recommends this is definitely talking out of their ‘big end.’ fully considered. And, as most of us have been led to

moving cars need a fast moving oil if high revs and resulting high temperatures are to be overcome. So, for racing thoroughbreds from the stables of Ferrari or Porsche, only a thin oil will do. Whereas, if a Mini is to see its owners through

thick and thin the oil used had better be

engineers of the past couldn’t.

You can see now why we don’t make an all-purpose multigrade but instead a variety of oils.

But isn’t there a wide enough range of oils on the market already? Yes indeed.

But who can honestly say that they know what words such as ‘zirconium-inter-quasar’ and `XF3/20 Hyperlube’ mean? Our answer, apart from a shrug of the shoulders, is ‘who cares?’ Because we believe that choosing the oil with the right performance for your car should For the simple reason that a thick lubricant fills the gaps that the

be a simple affair, not a performance. So, bearing this in mind, we’ve produced a range of oils that leaves far less room for slip-ups. Hence, Auto 2, Auto 4 and Auto 7. A range that gives any engine, be it old, modern, or high performance, the protection it needs, ensuring that your favourite

‘run-around’ doesn’t become a ‘rundown-run-around’?

Now we wouldn’t say the reasons for choosing one oil over another are simple. (Something our research department frequently remind us of when they’re after a raise.)

But what is simple is to ask someone at your Q8 garage what oil you need.

For here you’ll find someone who won’t treat your car just like any old car. So you can rest assured that

whatever car gets you going, we will have an oil that gets it going.