Beaulieu news


Some interesting history relating to Lord Montagu’s 1909 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost has surfaced in the Friends of the NMM Trust Newsletter. This car was bought by Colonel Ferguson of Dundee to replace his 1904 18/22-hp Panhard Levassor and was originally a Hooper bodied Tourer. In 1930 a garage bought it and put on a hearse/ambulance body. By 1930 it had become a breakdown crane. Lord Montagu purchased it in 1954 and by 1962 chassis no. 939 was given a replica touring body.

Other Museum news is that Beaulieu has on display the 1896 Arnold which took part in the first Emancipation Run to Brighton, that there will be a Friends’ talk about old-car restoration there on March 18, and that the cost of bringing the 1903 Gordon Bennett Napier back to this country from America is still £34,000 “in the red”, a balance of £247,000 having been subscribed from various sources. WB