Information wanted


The following readers would be grateful to hear from anyone who can help them with information about the cars they own. Letters will be forwarded.

Dr A. M. J. Blow from Bourn, Combs, who has a Tojeiro-Bristol (erg no SOO 140). Jon Hadder and Bob Hall from Orpington who have restored the Kieft which Don Parker modified and drove with great success in the early ’50s. Douglas Brogan, from Newbury, who is restoring a 1963 / ’64 Formula Four (Imp-engined) Vixen.

Lawrence Sufryn, a Swiss reader who owns the sole remaining Terrier Mk 4 FJ car and the unique Terrier Mk 6 mid-engined two-seater sports prototype, would like some information about two Leda F5000 cars he has recently acquired.

Eugene Hall, the original owner of the Halson FJ car which appeared in the January issue, wonders if it is still in existence and what history it had, if any, after he sold it at the end of 1960.

A reader in Sweden, Ingvar Frederiksson has an ex-George Weldon 1935 Gough-engined Frazer Nash (erg no CMH 496) and seeks not only information about them but recollections of Weldon’s racing exploits with Frazer Mashes and Atalantas.