Diamond Jubilee of the Austin 7


This year represents the Diamond Jubilee of the pre-war Austin Seven and apart from the John O’Groats Run which is being organised at Easter as part of the celebrations, and which we referred to last month, the Austin 7 Clubs Association has other plans for the occasion, sponsored, incidentally, by the Trustee Savings Bank, which seems appropriate for events associated with the immortal “Motor for the Million”. The most important of these commemorative events will be the Diamond Jubilee Rally based appropriately on Longbridge, Birmingham, over the August Bank Holiday week-end, from August 28th-30th. It is pleasing to know that permission to hold this gathering of all kinds of Austin in and associated exhibits in Caftan Park, within 100 yards of the Austin factory, has been granted by Birmingham City Council and that the RAC, BL Heritage Ltd., British Leyland, the A7CA, and the Austin Ex-Apprentices Association are all supporting the event. It is hoped that some 600 to 1,000 Austin 7s will be present, together with supporting items such as films, displays of accessories, an Automart, etc. Judging by the extent of the 1972 gathering, which Motor Sport reported, this should be easily achieved. On the Monday a vast Al Cavalcade will run over a 12-mile route, starting at 11.30 am and taking in the Austin works, the test-hill, the Birmingham City Centre Grand Prix course (over which F1 cars have been demonstrated), Pebble Mill, back to Cohan Park. It will have a Civic Send-off and we feel sure that many readers will wish to see this mobile tribute to a gallant little British car.

Then, at the VSCC Silverstone Race Meeting on July 10th, there is to be a Parade of selected Austin 7s and a special Austin 7 race, and at the MAC Shelsley Walsh speed hill-climb on July 11th there is to be a Demonstration Run by Austin 7s associated with the famous hill, prior to the event itself, this being especially appropriate because Shelsley Walsh was the venue for the Austin 7’s first competition appearance, when the prototype (Reg. No. OK 2950) did a climb in 89.9 sec. in September 1922. Altogether it looks like a memorable year for Austin 7 enthusiasts. Entry details from Neil Bateman, 52, Damson Lane, Solihull, West Midlands. — W.B.