Ford Sidevalve O.C.


About the only old cars still being used in any numbers for ordinary purposes, as distinct for rallies and specialised appearances, are the side-valve Fords, and they are about the only representatives of the one-time universal L-head-engined vehicles in such daily service. So it is good to know that their propagation is looked to by the Ford Sidevalve Owners’ Club. This Club was founded in 1969 and has some 850 members, of whom about 280 run those “sit-up-and-beg”, perpendicular Populars, Anglias and Prefects which were in production from 1946 to 1959 and represent the last unmodified design of an essentially pre-war concept of a UK-produced post-war car. 

A Popular Register has been opened tor these cars, to provide a record of those in existence, and to publicise sources of technical information and spares for these small four-cylinder s.v. cars from the 1932 Model-V to the 1962 100E Popular. It is the intention to stock new and unused spares for such Fords, and to send out a Register Bulletin with the Club magazine. The Register Secretary is: B. D. Palmer, 13, St. Bernards, Chichester Road, Croydon, Surrey, who would like to hear from unregistered owners. 

The Club itself issues an identification chart of the rather complex range of models it caters for, and covers all s.v. Fords, including Specials and V8s. Its 1980 activities will include National rallies at Donington and Epsom. The Secretary is: J. Norris, 6 Thakeham Close, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, and the annual subscription is £5. — W.B.