V-E-V odds & ends, March 1980


The Veteran Car Club of Great Britain will hold its AGM at the RAC on March 22nd, at 2.30 pm. Afterwards the presentation of awards will be made. The winners of these trophies in 1979 were: The Lord “Victor Ludorum”: R. Long (1914 Vauxhall). Dowsing Trophy: C. Bendall and G. Brooks. Guild of Master Motorists Trophy: R. Long (1914 Vauxhall), Milex Cup: R. Long (1914 Vauxhall), Lamb Cup: Mrs. Flavell (1911 Rover), Walters De Dion Trophy: A. Kingsford-Bannell (1903 De Dion Bouton). Lanchester Trophy: J. Zimbler (1910 Lanchester), H. O. Duncan Trophy: R. Middleton (1900 Locomobile), Bills Challenge Cup: A. Kingsford-Bannell (1903 De Dion Bouton), S. F. Edge Cup: D. Ryder-Richardson (1909 Adler), Jarrett Cup: J. Woolley (1911 Rolls-Royce), Coal-Scuttle Trophy: F. Harvey (1908 Renault), Wellingham Cup: C. Figge (1899 Locomobile), AA Cup: B. Dinsley — for marshalling, Kaye International Trophy: R. Long (1914 Vauxhall), Shuttleworth Trophy: Mrs. Eastmead and Mrs. White — for efforts on behalf of VCC, Allday Gazette Cup, J. Widdop — for report of Rippon Rally, National Benzole Trophy: J. Zimbler — for help with Golden Jubilee literature. Stanley Sears Trophy: Mr. and Mrs. Long (1914 Vauxhall), Overseas Trophy: J. Naive 0904 Cadillac), Napier Award: D. Grossmark (1909 Napier), Blake Memorial Trophy: E. Woolley (1897 Daimler,. Stephens Trophy: B. Garrett (1896 Lutzmann ). Shaw Memorial Trophy: R. Coulthard (1904 Century). 

A photograph album has come to light depicting how two GNs, one a Ford-equipped Legère (Reg. No. DW 3024), the other an English version bought in a Cambridge junk-shop, were turned into a low-built, long-tailed single-seater Special at Jesus Lane, Cambridge and at Chippenham in the early 1930s, by a Mr. Remnant, the work being finished before he left for China in 1935. An HE was used as a two-car and two 3-litre Bentleys were also in she stable, one of them a 1925 Vanden Plas four-seater owned originally by R. S. Featherstonehaugh. Martin Grant Peterkin, past-owner of a vintage Bentley, a VSCC member since 1963, and driver of the Earl of Moray’s pre-war Maserati, will take over the position of Competitions Secretary of the VSCC from Jim Whyman after next June’s Oulton Park Race Meeting. The January-March issue of Vintage Aircraft contains interesting articles on the old Hanworth Air Park (where the Club-house still exists), the Welsh Aviation Co. of 1919-1922, and pre-war and post-war air-racing by Ron Paine, etc. 

The VSCC’s AGM will be held in Kensington on March 5th, at 7.15 p.m., when the Lycett Memorial Trophy will be presented to Toni Threlfall, the Lycett Trophy to Mark Joseland, the “Proxime Accessif’ to Nevil Farquhar, the 1500 Trophy to Joseland, the Northern Lycett to K. Hyland, the Yorkshire to N. Stoyel. the Edwardian Trophy to Barry Clarke, the Thoroughbred Trophy to S. G. Harvey, the Ladies’ Trophy to Di Threlfall, the Kane Cup to Ron Footitt, while to Bill Morris will go the Historic Racing Trophy, the Phipps Trophy having been won by M. Chapman, Walton taking the HWM Award, Footitt the Seaman Vintage Trophy, the Hon. Patrick Lindsay the Seaman Historic Trophy, David Llewellyn the GP Itala Trophy, and Peter Morley the Boulogne Cup. Then Footill gets the John Holland Trophy. R. Bell the Mike Hawthorn Trophy, Bill Morris the Shuttleworth Cup and the Nuffield Trophy, and Hamish Moffatt the Harry Bowler Award. As many or more aggregate and other awards were also collected. — W.B.