MG K3004



In the footnote to D.S.J.’s mist interesting article concerning the J.H.T. Smith K3 Magnette in your February issue, D.S.J. writes

“The Manby-Colgrave, Billy Cotton, Stuart-Wilton car K3004 which carried the Smith modified two-seater pointed tail body in 1939 was dismantled and as far as is known the body was destroyed”.

This car K3004 was owned by my late brother from 1943 to about 1948. He Sold it to a man named Gullen who shipped the car to his home in Australia. K3oo4 at this time Was exactly as it was when Stuart-Wilton last raced it.

Lingfield, Surrey EDWARD R. MAY

(We understood that this car had been fitted with an Australian-built glass-fibre sports body, but are interested to learn that it went out to Australia in its original form. -D.S.J.)