The RREC Bulletin


Last January the RREC Bulletin attain its 100th issue and this was celebrated by giving it a fine colour cover, depicting Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts at the Englefield Rally in 1976, with the appropriate caption “I seem to move among a world of Ghosts and feel myself the shadow of a dream”—Alfred Lord Tennyson. This was most appropriate to the forthcoming gathering of Silver Ghost cars which will make their appearance at Windsor on May 7th, to pay tribute to HM The Queen’s Silver Jubilee. This professionally-produced Club journal is edited by R. J. Gibbs and we congratulate the RREC on its magazine and on its intention of massing together what should be the biggest collection of 40/50 Rolls-Royces ever, in the precincts of Windsor Castle next May.—W.B.