Graham Hill memorial



I write in response to Mr. Barrett’s suggestion of a Graham Hill memorial. I am afraid I assumed that such a fund would have been already set up; however it appears to be up to Motor Sport readers to show a lead and get something under way.

Of course the great question is what form such a memorial should take. Whatever it is, I believe it should reflect as much as possible the reason for Graham Hill’s popularity, that is his sense of fun and his ability to bring motor sport to the attention of the general public.

Bearing this in mind I am not sure that an annual memorial race is the answer: I do not think this would be sufliclently different. Personally I am more in favour of a trophy, to be awarded annually, to the Formula One driver who has done the most throughout the year to widen the appeal of motor sport in the eyes of the general public, and who has done his bit at races in meeting the spectators rather than sheltering in the comfort of a mobile home. The winner to be decided by an international panel supervised by Motor Sport and what better title than the Graham Hill Motor Sport Trophy. The aim of such an award would be to encourage a much more communicative attitude by the Formula One drivers which is obviously lacking in some quarters at present, according to your Grand Prix reports. The actual form the trophy would take could he decided when the result of a Memorial Fund set up by your magazine was known. There may well be practical difficulties to my suggestion and other readers may have better ideas. However of one thing I am sure, something must be done to perpetuate the memory of this great sportsman. Whatever is decided you can be sure of my support and no doubt that of thousands of other readers.Frome G. O, Hebdon

[A good idea, which we shall consider in the light of the many other suggestions currently going the rounds.—Ed.]