Shuttleworth trust developments


It is good news that, apart from continuing its excellent work of restoring, exhibiting and demonstrating in the air historic aeroplanes, the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden Aerodrome, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, is about to restore some of its older motor vehicles. This good work will be financed jointly by the Transport Trust and the Shuttleworth Trust, the latter having previously been mainly concerned with aeroplane work. It is expected that a start will be made on the 1895 Panhard-Levassor interesting that aeronautical associations presumably caused the name to he rendered as “Levasseur” in the Collection’s Press handout) that is believed to he the second car to have been imported into Britain, or perhaps on one of the other Shuttleworth cars requiting less prolonged restoration. These include an 1897 Daimler brake, an 1898 International Benz, an 1899 Mors “Petit Due”, and the ex-Lord Rothschild 1898. Panhard-Levassor. All were described in Motor Sport soon after racing driver Richard Shuttleworth had collected them long before the war, and subsequently they figure again in our pages.

The work is expected to occupy some five years and it is hoped that the restored veterans will be seen thereafter in events such as the Brighton Run. All the more reason to visit this Museum and its open Flying Days this year.—W.B.