Speed Limits



Police are often more reasonable than the law. I hope I am not tempting fate by saying that I have so far not received more than a serious talking-to for infringements of the speed limits. I do, however, keep a good lookout for policemen and thus reduce the chances, while I have been saved from radar traps by other warnings.

It is of course ludicrous that in addition to all the observations a driver has to make to maintain safety with progress, observations directed to detection of police and traps also help to distract his (in my case her) attention.

I am convinced myself that many of the police are really ashamed of the part they have to play in reporting a good and safe driver for technical infringements of the law such as speeding in circumstances where it was completely safe and sensible, and in the EEC legal.

On the other hand speeding in fog or other hazardous conditions should somehow be stopped, whether those who do it are reported or not—perhaps by powerfully illuminated police patrols right across the motorways. Since many fog pile-ups occur at the junctions of slipways with the inside lanes I feel these might he specially lit and retain the speed limit, as in Italy on the autostrada where all junctions are so treated.

Perhaps I should merely sign myself

[Name and address supplied—ED.]