Anti-motorist action



I have today returned my membership card and cancelled my bankers order to the Automobile Association as a protest against its support of further repressive action against the motorist. Whatever the merits of seatbelt wearing, the Government has enough of my money to conduct its experiments without getting the unpaid support of a voluntary organisation to which I subscribed.

Perhaps the present Minister of Transport will remember that a petition of 280,000 motorists against the 70 m.p.h. limit was treated with contempt by the then Transport Minister and the loss of freedom of choice created a resentment which showed itself at the next General Election.

Any experienced motorist will support regulations which can be proved to improve driving methods and reduce accidents on the road, but whilst industrial vehicles are allowed to cause over 40% of the accidents on the road without political action, further pressure on the motorist who drives for pleasure is not only futile but vindictive.

J. C. Armstrong.