

I write to thank you for your excellent magazine which continues, even now, to amaze me with its unbiased and sensible approach to all things motoring.

And please, another vote of thanks to the police for their courtesy and assistance when I locked myself out of my Lotus Europa with the ignition on. With electric windows and no spare key I was a little worried to say the least. In desperation I rang the local police station (Winchmore Hill, N. London), and, at 10 p.m., a Panda car arrived with a set of Ford keys within five minutes of my call. Upon these not working a squad car was called in and the door opened in approx. 30 seconds. A mighty sigh of relief!

Incidentally, perhaps D.S.J. would indicate whether he suffered any large loss of oil pressure whilst high speed cruising with the Lotus Europa he took to the Targa Florio. I do, and it was because of his favourable report I chose this car!

Once again, thank you for a splendid magazine.

G. Doubleday.