D.H. 9A


There is an account of a forced landing on an island in the Nile when the Clerget engine of a Nieuport Scout suddenly cut out, of salvaging a crashed D.H. 9A from the waters of the Tigris, of flying Bristol Fighters in Damascus, and changing the burst tyre of a 9A under difficult desert conditions. The pictures are mediocre, but capture the spirit of those pioneer Model-T Ford convoys across the desert. The only errors are very minor— Fords described as vans when trucks are meant and the R.-R. Eagle engine given as 350 instead of 360 h.p.

Indeed, this book is a truly worthwhile contribution to early flying literature and one hopes that the author may be persuaded to follow it up with another, dealing with his experiences at home, from 1923 onwards, flying Sopwith Snipes and “a series of increasingly sophisticated biplane fighters as the R.A.F. evolved.”

That this is a nostalgic book is nicely emphasised by the author’s concluding sentiments : “Now that the Middle East is, I imagine, a welter of power and oil politics and studded with chromium-plated hotel’s, that flying has become a scientific, precise and highly organised occupation and motoring an essential but unpleasant chore, I am deeply thankful that I was privileged to spend my youth in the days when all these were simple, primitive, and huge fun.” If you agree with these views, do not miss reading of Grp. Capt. Wynne’s adventures—his book is highly recommended.-W.B.

Commercial-vehicle enthusiasts will welcome “A Hundred Years of Road Rollers” (75 pp., 8 in. x 10 in.), which is a survey of Aveling-Barford rollers from 1865 to 1965, on line glossy paper, copiously illustrated, published by The Oakwood Press, Tandridge Lane, Lingfield, Surrey, at 18s. Page-size pictures predominate, one of them being in colour (of the oldest steam-roller in Britain, an 1882 Ayeling & Porter 10-tonner (No. 1760); badges and other historical items are included.

That comprehensive instructional and reference work “The Motor Vehicle,” by K. Newton, M.C., B.Sc., A.C.G.I., A.M.INST.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. and W. Steeds, O.B.E., A.C.G.I. M.I.Mech.E. M.A.SM.E. (713 pp., 8 3/4 in. x 5 1/2 in.), has gone into a fully revised 8th edition. The latest power unit, transmission and suspension developments are covered in a volume containing 647 text illustrations.and photographs. Published by Iliffe Books Ltd., Dorset House. Stamford Street, London, S.E.1, this useful work which has endured for nearly 40 years costs 63s. or 66s. post free.