The millionth Mini and the Model-T Ford



The B.M.C. are quite naturally celebrating the production of the millionth Mini in five years.

It is therefore appropriate at this time to remember that 42 years ago, during the year 1923, Henry Ford produced 2,055,309 Model-Ts in one year, and achieved a total production of 15,007,033 units, between October 1908 and May 1927.

Of the 311,458 Model-Ts produced at Trafford Park, Manchester, between October 1911 and August 1927, this register has, during the last five years, been able to trace less than 200 cars still extant in this country. Exact figures cannot be given, as some owners are not members, and, in order to fill in this gap, the Registrar would very much like to hear from any “T” owner, who is a non-member, about his car.

C.T.W. Pearce, Registrar, Model-T Register. – St. Albans.

[Letters can be forwarded.—Ed