A Good Insurance Deal



Having a bash at Motor Insurers is a pastime many of us have indulged in both privately and publicly. In fairness. I now want to report what seems to me to be a case of remarkably good treatment.

As a V.C.S.S. member I insure through the Club’s Brokers, Peter S. Taylor & Co., Ltd., of Brighton, with the Cornhill Insurance Co. (who, incidentally, give me full comprehensive cover on my Type 35 Bugatti on precisely the same tariff terms that they give me on my Volkswagen).

Way back in July 1961, driving my VW across France, I had a minor accident which did my car enough superficial damage to make a claim worth while. I thought the facts (not in dispute) were such as to let me make out a strong case for not losing my no-claim bonus. But alter a lot of letters had passed I seemed to be getting nowhere, so I gave up. and of course lost the bonus.

Last week, nearly 2 1/2 years later, I got a letter from the Brokers saying that Cornhill had at last been able to recover the cost of the claim, and that a cheque for about £19 would follow in respect of my bonuses for two years. Vive the Cornhill! Vive Peter S. Taylor! Vive the V.S.C.C.!


London, W.6.